Programmer (<3 Python), writer (novels, short stories), and music lover.
~ zeropointnothing, exii ~
- WHAT LURKS WITHIN: An interactive novel experience, where your choices matter. My first game!!
- ZRpB (PSOMI) : A Discord "proxy" bot to aid in the writing experience. Only available on my community server.
- koulouri : A Python music player that aims to be simple, lightweight, and functional.
- synthLength : An "online radio" written in Python.
- "PyVPN" : A VPN created entirely in Python. (not publicly available, yet)
- And more!
The best way to contact me is over Discord at either @zeropointnothing
or @zer0pointnothing
(alt). If I'm not busy or asleep, I should get to you pretty quickly.
I'm also the owner of a small (though passionate) writing community on Discord. Interested? Ask me about it!
Unfortunately, I don't have anything writing related published yet. Stay tuned, though!