Related Author : Eunjung Ju, Jungdam Won
Related Publication : Transaction on Graphincs 2013
This code was written for and is being made available to accompany the (ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2013) "(Data-driven Control of Flapping Flight)"
For updates to this code, please check our website, (Jungdam Won) can be contacted at ([email protected])
Our program was developed in visual stuio 2010 64-bit environment. We used external open soruce libararies in our program. You should compile each library and insert header into "BASE/INCLUDE/platform" folder, lib into "BASE/LIB/platform" folder.
Objective: Rigid body simulation Version: 0.11.1
Objective: Matrix calculation in FEM Version: R2011b
Objective: Glut for free Version: 2.8.0
Objective: Curve approximation Version: 4.5.0
##Program Manual
Basically, the bird is simulated by using average wingbeats
- q: play
- w: pause
- e: reset