A simple telegram bot for cryptocoin masternodes, and block explorer API, using Golang
1 - install golang
2 - use: 'go get github.com/yanzay/tbot'
3 - 'go build' in mxtmnbot directory
4 - set TELEGRAM_TOKEN enviroment variable with your Bot Token, get with BotFatther in Telegram
5 - start bot.exe
6 - search your bot in Telegram
7 - Be Happy
/newbuy - Adicionar anuncio de compra
/endbuy - Remover anuncio de compra
/newsell - Adicionar anuncio de venda
/endell - Remover anuncio de venda
/lbuys - Listar anuncios de compra
/lsells - Listar anuncios de venda