A wrapper around MaxMind's minFraud anti-fraud service.
sudo gem install maxmind-rb
These are the only required fields to acquire a response from MaxMind.
require 'maxmind'
Maxmind.license_key = 'LICENSE_KEY'
request = Maxmind::Request.new(
:client_ip => '',
:city => 'New York',
:region => 'NY',
:postal => '11434',
:country => 'US'
response = request.process!
For increased accuracy, these are the recommended fields to submit to MaxMind. The additional fields here are optional and can be all or none.
require 'maxmind'
Maxmind.license_key = 'LICENSE_KEY'
request = Maxmind::Request.new(
:client_ip => '',
:city => 'New York',
:region => 'NY',
:postal => '11434',
:country => 'US',
:domain => 'yahoo.com',
:bin => '549099',
:forwarded_ip => '',
:email => '[email protected]',
:username => 'test_carder_username',
:password => 'test_carder_password'
response = request.process!
This is every field available.
require 'maxmind'
Maxmind.license_key = 'LICENSE_KEY'
request = Maxmind::Request.new(
:client_ip => '',
:city => 'New York',
:region => 'NY',
:postal => '11434',
:country => 'US',
:domain => 'yahoo.com',
:bin => '549099',
:forwarded_ip => '',
:email => '[email protected]',
:username => 'test_carder_username',
:password => 'test_carder_password'
:bin_name => 'MBNA America Bank',
:bin_phone => '800-421-2110',
:cust_phone => '212-242',
:request_type => 'premium',
:shipping_address => '145-50 157th Street',
:shipping_city => 'Jamaica',
:shipping_region => 'NY',
:shipping_postal => '11434',
:shipping_country => 'US',
:transaction_id => '1234',
:session_id => 'abcd9876',
:user_agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_5; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.2 Safari/525.20.1',
:accept_language => 'en-us'
response = request.process!
Also see examples/example.rb
Copyright (c) 2009 Adam. Copyright (c) 2010 t.e.morgan. See LICENSE for details.