Sphinx extension for making the documentation compatible with the Confluence Storage Format. Read more: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Confluence+Storage+Format
- base HTML elements
- images (image, figure)
- code blocks (::) and includes (literalinclude)
- referencing downloadable files (:download:)
- the TOC tree (.. toctree::)
- internal links (:ref:
; .. _)
pip install sphinx-confluence
Plugin includes to section extensions
extensions = ['confluence']
html_translator_class = 'confluence.HTMLConfluenceTranslator'
Plugin has own Builder json_conf
sphinx-build -b json_conf -d build/doctrees source build/json
sphinx-build \
-b json_conf \
-d build/doctrees \
-C \
-D master_doc=index \
-D html_add_permalinks= \
-D html_translator_class=sphinx_confluence.HTMLConfluenceTranslator \
-D extensions=sphinx_confluence,sphinx.ext.todo \
source build/json