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Features location in 2.79

Dragorn421 edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Location of Objex features in Blender 2.79

Addon preferences

Addon preferences feature an updater:

addon preferences

Export menu

objex2 in the export menu

Clicking it brings up the usual exporter interface, with options bottom-left:

objex2 export operator ui

Here are the default export options:

default export options

Changing some properties may make others appear/disappear:

non-default export options with some having appeared/disappeared

Mesh data properties

mesh data properties

More are available when the mesh is rigged to an armature:

mesh data properties when mesh is rigged

Armature data properties

armature data properties

Changing properties can make more properties appear:

armature data properties with non-defaults


Most Objex features are here.

init objex material button

Here is what can be seen after clicking the Init button and opening the node editor in a new area:

node tree after init

Here are the full default objex material properties:

objex material properties

When a texture is used in the nodes, image properties appear:

objex image properties