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This is my vim configuration file, you can copy it as you well.


1.Get local copy

git clone

2.Link vim config file

ln -s vimconfig/vimrc ~/.vimrc

# if you want use neovim, and want it to share config with vim:
ln -s ~/.vim .config/nvim
ln -s ~/.vimrc .config/nvim/init.vim

3.Install Vundle

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

4.Install plugins Open Vim, and type :PluginInstall, wait until all plugins are installed.

5.Install dependancy (Take ubuntu for example)

  • System dependancy
sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag  # This is what vim-ag needs
sudo apt-get install buiuld-essential cmake pyton-dev    #This is plugin 'YCM' needs
  • Javscript
sudo apt-get install nodejs    #if you have installed node.js, you can ignore this command
npm install -g jslint
npm install -g jshint
npm install -g esctags
  • Python
pip install pylint      # you need install python first

6.Compile YouCompleteMe

Follows the guide in, this will take very long time (around 1 hour in my PC).

7.Install for command-t

Check for compiling a vim with ruby support

sudo apt-get install ruby-full
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
ruby extconf.rb

Vim Object



Key Mapping Operator Description
c change
d delete
v select
y yank (copy)
g~ swap case
gu make lowercase
gU make uppercase


  • i: inside/inner
  • a: a/all/around


Key Mapping Object Description
a argument text object
b ( ) parentheses
B { } curly braces
w word
s sentence
p paragraph
t tags
[ ] square brackets
< > angle brackets
' single quotes
" doulbe quotes
` back ticks
, . ; : + - = ~ _ * # / \ & $
ai (A)n (I)ndentation level and line above.
ii (I)nner (I)ndentation level (no line above).
aI (A)n (I)ndentation level and lines above/below.
iI (I)nner (I)ndentation level (no lines above/below).


Key Mapping

Vim Cheat Sheet

Download the cheat sheet from

Vim General

Key Function
jk Exit from insert mode (ESC is disabled by default)
* (visual mode)Search next for the current selection
* (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen
# (visual mode) Search previous for the current selection
# (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen
; Enter command line, same as :
f{char}{char} Input exact 2 chars, use vim-sneak to go the first occurance of input text
F{char}{char} Use backward comparing with f
m Jump to the middle of line
n (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen
N (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen
U easier redo, same as Ctrl+r
v expand selection region (Plugin: vim-expand-region)
V shrink selection region (Plugin: vim-expand-region
w!! sudo & write a file
Y Yank everthing from cursor to end of line
yy Yank the whole line
,q Quickly close current window, same as :q
,v Select block
,w Fast saving, same as :w!
:w!! Sudo write a file
{Space} Page down
CTRL+@ Page up

Fn Keys

Key Function
F2 Toggle Tagbar (Plugin: tagbar)
F3 Do Syntastic check
F4 Toggle Syntastic error window
F5 AutoFormat source code (Plugin: vim-autoformat)
F8 Switch Color Scheme (Plugin: vim-colorscheme-switch)
F10 Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun)
F11 Toggle line number and indent line, useful when you copy screen
F12 Toggle Paste mode


Key Function
CTRL+b Go to the beginning of line (only in INSERT mode)
CTRL+d Scroll down half a page
CTRL+e Go to the end of line (only in INSERT mode)
CTRL+f Prompt in commandline to use CtrlSF to search
CTRL+h Jump to the previous snippet trigger (Plugin: UltiSnips)
CTRL+i Retrace you movement in file in forward
CTLR+j Move down selection or line (Plugin vim-move)
CTLR+k Move up selection or line (Plugin vim-move)
CTLR+l Expand the snippet or jump to next snippet trigger (Plugin UltiSnips)
CTRL+m Select current word and jump to next (Plugin:vim-multiple-cursors)
CTRL+o Retrace your movement in file in backwards
CTRL+p Select previous word and jump to previous (Plugin: vim-multiple-cursors)
CTRL+s Save current file, mapping of :w!
CTRL+t Open the command-t file window
CTRL+u Scrool up half a page
CTRL+x Skip current word (Plugin: vim-multiple-cursors)
CTRL+y Format source file (plugin: vim-autoformat)


Key Function
,b Open a window listing all buffers (Plugin: buffergator)
,B Close the buffer catalog (Plugin: buffergator)
,f Open ctrlp to search file (Plugin: ctrlp)
,n Toggle NERDTree
,r Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun)
,s Replace the current word
,w Fast saving, same as :w!
,q Quickly close current window, same as :q
,v Select block
,z Toggle line number

` Hotkey

Key Function
`e create a new line in the end of file and jump to it
`b move backward to last cursor position
`` move backward to last cursor position
`f move foreward to last cursor position
`/ remove hightlight words

Line Movement

Key Function
,lj Move current line to above
,lk Move current line to below


Key Function
,te Open a new tab with the current buffer's path, Super useful when editing files in the same director
,tm Tab move
,tn Go to next tab
,to Tab only
,tp Go to previous tab
,tq Close tab
,tt Create new tab
,1 Go to 1st tab
,2 Go to 2nd tab
,3 Go to 3rd tab
,4 Go to 4th tab
,5 Go to 5th tab
,6 Go to 6th tab
,7 Go to 7th tab
,8 Go to 8th tab
,9 Go to 9th tab
,0 Go to last tab


Key Function
,wh Go to left window
,wj Go to above window
,wk Go to below window
,wl Go to right window
,wq Close window
,ww Switch to next window
,wz Toggle zoom current window


Key Function
,b Open a window listing all buffers (Plugin: buffergator)
,B Close the buffer catalog (Plugin: buffergator)
,bb Create new buffer
,bn Go to next buffer
,bp Go to previous buffer


Key Function
,~m Remove the windows ^M when the encoding gets messed up
gV Hight last inserted text
,rc Replace the current word and all its occurrences

Clipboard Related KeyMapping

After enable the vim-easyclip plugin, a lot clipboard related functionality will be modified, below is the command list and their corresponding function:

Key Function
d Delete over the given motion and do not change clipboard
dd Delete the line and do not change clipboard
D Delete from cursor to the end of the line and do not change clipboard
dD Delete the contents of line except the newline character (that is, make it blank) and do not change clipboard
x Delete the character under cursor and do not change clipboard
s - Delete the character under cursor then enter insert mode and do not change clipboard
S Delete the line under cursor then enter insert mode and do not change clipboard
c Enter insert mode over top the given area and do not change clipboard
cc Enter insert mode over top the current line and do not change clipboard
C Enter insert mode from cursor to the end of the line and do not change clipboard
p Paste from specified register. Inserts after current line if text is multiline, after current character if text is non-multiline. Leaves cursor at end of pasted text.
P Same as p except inserts text before current line/character
p Same as p except does not auto-format text. This is only relevant if the auto-format option is enabled
P Same as P except does not auto-format text. This is only relevant if the auto-format option is enabled
gp Same as p but preserves the current cursor position
gP Same as P but preserves the current cursor position
gP Same as P but preserves the current cursor position
gp Same as p but preserves the current cursor position
m Delete over the given motion and copy text to clipboard
mm Delete the current line and copy text to clipboard
<CTRL-P> Rotate the previous paste forward in yank buffer. Note that this binding will only work if executed immediately after a paste
<CTRL-N> Rotate the previous paste backward in yank buffer. Note that this binding will only work if executed immediately after a paste
[y Go backward in the yank buffer. This can be executed at any time to modify order of yanks in the yank buffer (though I would recommend just using instead)
]y Go forward in the yank buffer. This can be executed at any time to modify order of yanks in the yank buffer (though I would recommend just using instead)
Y Copy text from cursor position to the end of line to the clipboard
s Substitute over the given motion with specified register (or default register if unspecified).
ss Substitute over the current line with specified register (or default register if unspecified).
gs Same as s but preserves the current cursor position.


Plugin List

" Color scheme
Plugin 'xolox/vim-colorscheme-switcher'
Plugin 'xolox/vim-misc'

Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
Plugin 'crusoexia/vim-monokai'
" Plugin 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
Plugin 'zenorocha/dracula-theme', {'rtp': 'vim/'}

" General plugins
"Plugin 'Lokaltog/powerline'
"Plugin 'ashwin/vim-powerline'
Plugin 'bling/vim-airline'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
Plugin 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
"Plugin ''
Plugin 'jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator'
"Plugin 'rking/ag.vim'
Plugin 'dyng/ctrlsf.vim'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
Plugin 'kshenoy/vim-signature'
Plugin 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-expand-region'
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plugin 'matze/vim-move'
Plugin 'wincent/command-t'
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plugin 'tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky'
Plugin 'jasoncodes/ctrlp-modified.vim'
Plugin 'mhinz/vim-grepper'
Plugin 'wellle/targets.vim'
Plugin 'michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object'

Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat'
"Plugin 'Shougo/neocomplete.vim'
"Plugin 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
"Plugin 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets'
"Plugin 'Shougo/vimshell.vim'
"Plugin 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'

" Common plugins for source codes
Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic'
Plugin 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat'
" Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plugin 'tComment'
"Plugin 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
Plugin 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
"Plugin 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plugin 'thinca/vim-quickrun'
Plugin 'kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim'
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

" Javascript/Node.js
Plugin 'moll/vim-node'
"Plugin 'walm/jshint.vim'
Plugin 'marijnh/tern_for_vim'
Plugin 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plugin 'crusoexia/vim-javascript-lib'
Plugin 'jiangmiao/simple-javascript-indenter'
Plugin 'ramitos/jsctags'

" Python
Plugin 'klen/python-mode'

Plugin 'elzr/vim-json'

" Misc
" Plugin 'vim-scripts/Nibble'
" Plugin 'vim-scripts/genutils'
Plugin 'powerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc'

Global Key Mapping

Key Function
,n Toggle NERDTree

NERDTree Window Only Key Mapping

Key Function
{Enter} or o Open current file or folder
s Open the file in horizontal split window
v Open the file in vertical split window

User Guide

Plugin: bufexplorer

Use vim-buffergator instead.


Key Function
,b Open a window listing all buffers
,B Close the buffer catalog

Vim-buffergator Only

Key Function
{Enter} or o Edit the selected buffer in the prevoius window
go open the currently selected buffer in the previous window, but with focus remaining in the buffer catalog ("42go" will do the same, but will select buffer number 42).
{Number}{Enter} Open buffer number in prevous window, such as 42*{Enter}, 5{Enter}*
A Toggle zoom in/zoom out the vim-buffergator window
d Delete the selected buffer
D Unconditionally delete the selected buffer.
i open the currently selected buffer in new horizontal split. "42i" will do the same
I open the buffer in a new vertical split, but keep the focus in the buffer catalog. "42I" will do the same.
q Quit the index/catalog window.
r Update (rebuild/refresh) index.
s Open the currently selected buffer in new vertical split. "42s" will do the same.
S open the buffer in a new vertical split, but keep the focus in the buffer catalog. "42S" will do the same
t open the currently selected buffer in new tab ("42t" will do the same, but will select buffer number 42)
x Wipe the selected buffer.
X Unconditionally wipe the selected buffer.
{Space} or CTRL+N Go to the next buffer entry (or, if [count] is given, buffer with number [count]), and preview it in the previous window.
CTRL+{Space} or CTRL+P Go to the previous buffer entry (or, if [count] is given, buffer with number [count]), and preview it in the previous window.

Plugin: command-t

Global Key Mapping

Key Function
CTRL+t Open the command-t file window

Command-t Window Only Key Mapping

Key Function
{Enter} open the selected file
CTRL+{Enter} open the selected file in a new split window
CTRL+s open the selected file in a new split window
CTRL+v open the selected file in a new vertical split window
CTRL+t open the selected file in a new tab
CTRL+j select next file in the file listing
CTRL+n select next file in the file listing
{Down} select next file in the file listing
CTRL+k select previous file in the file listing
CTRL+p select previous file in the file listing
{Up} select previous file in the file listing
CTRL+f flush the cache (see :CommandTFlush for details)
CTRL+q place the current matches in the quickfix window
CTRL+c cancel (dismisses file listing)

Custom Key Mapping

Key Function
,mv Toggle visual of signature

Plugin Built-in Key Mapping

Key Function
mx Toggle mark 'x' and display it in the leftmost column
dmx Remove mark 'x' where x is a-zA-Z
m, Place the next available mark
m. If no mark on line, place the next available mark. Otherwise, remove (first) existing mark.
m- Delete all marks from the current line
m*{Space}* Delete all marks from the current buffer
]` Jump to next mark
[` Jump to prev mark
]' Jump to start of next line containing a mark
[' Jump to start of prev line containing a mark
`] Jump by alphabetical order to next mark
`[ Jump by alphabetical order to prev mark
'] Jump by alphabetical order to start of next line having a mark
'[ Jump by alphabetical order to start of prev line having a mark
m/ Open location list and display marks from current buffer
m[0-9] Toggle the corresponding marker !@#$%^&*()
m*{S-[0-9]}* Remove all markers of the same type
]- Jump to next line having a marker of the same type
[- Jump to prev line having a marker of the same type
]= Jump to next line having a marker of any type
[= Jump to prev line having a marker of any type
m? Open location list and display markers from current buffer
m*{BS}* Remove all markers


Plugin: vim-grepper


Key Function
,/ Prompt text to do searching, use TAB to switch tools
,* Quick search the word under cursor

vim-grepper Result Window Only

NOTE: This key mapping is generic for all quickfix window, the functionality is contained in plugins vim-unimpaired & QFEnter.

Key Function
{Enter} or ,xo Open the result in previous focused window
{Enter}xv Open the result item in vertical split window
{Enter}xh Open the result item in horizontal split window
{Enter}xt Open the result item in new tab
:cnext or ]q Open the next result item
:cprevious or [q Open the previous result item
:clast or ]Q Open the last result item
:cfirst or [Q Open the first result item


Plugin: ctrlsf.vim


Key Function
CTRL+F (visual mode) search selected words; (normal mode) prompst for searching
\ Input :CtrlSF foo in command line where foo is word under the cursor.
,fv Toggle CtrlSF result window

CtrlSF Result Window Only

Key Function
{Enter} Open corresponding file of current line in the window which CtrlSF is launched from.
t Like Enter but open file in a new tab.
p Like Enter but open file in a preview window.
O Like Enter but always leave CtrlSF window opening.
T Lkie t but focus CtrlSF window instead of new opened tab.
q Quit CtrlSF window.
n Move cursor to next match.
N Move cursor to previous match.

Plugin: ctrlp

Key Function
CTRL+p or ,f Trigger ctrlp in file mode
CTRL+pr or ,fr Trigger ctrlp in MRU mode (Most Recently Used)
CTRL+px or ,fx Trigger ctrlp in mixed mode
CTRL+pb or ,fb Trigger ctrlp in buffer mode

Inside ctrlp result window:

Key Function
<Esc> or CTRL+c Exit ctrlp
<F5> purge the cache for the current directory to get new files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore options.
<F7> Wipe the MRU list; Delete MRU entries marked by CTRL+z
CTRL+f, CTRL+b Cycle between mode
CTRL+d Cycle between filename only mode and full-path mode
CTRL+r Switch to regexp mode
CTRL+j, CTRL+k, <Up>, <Down> Navigate the result list
CTRL+t Open the selected entry in a new tab
CTRL+v Open the selected entry in vertical split window
CTRL+x, CTRL+s Open the selected entry in horizontal split window
CTRL+y Create a new file and its parent directories
CTRL+z Mark/unmark multiple files and CTRL+o to open them
CTRL+o Open files marked by CTRL+z
Shift+Tab Toggle the focus between the match window and the prompt

Key Function
CTRL+m Select current word and jump to next
CTRL+p Select previous word and jump to previous
CTRL+x Skip current word
{ESC} Quit from multiple cursor mode

User Guide

Key Function
,,h easymotion-linebackward
,,j easymotion-j
,,k easymotion-k
,,l easymotion-lineforward

Plugin: vim-move

Key Function
CTRL+j Move current line/selections down (Plugin: vim-move)
CTRL+k Move current line/selections up
Key Function
,*{Space}*d Strip white space

Plugin: vim-quickrun

Key Function
,r Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun)
F10 Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun)

Plugin: Syntastic

Key Function
F3 Do Syntastic check
F4 Toggle Syntastic error window
,sn Go to next syntastic error
,sp Go to prevoius syntastic error

Key Function
,: <C-x><C-o>
ALT + g Go to definition

Plugin: tComment

Key Function
CTRL + / Comment current line or selected region
,cb Comment block, only useful on visual mode
,cl Comment one line

Plugin: tabular

Key Function
,a& align by &
,a= align by =
,a=> align by =>
,a: align by :
,a:: align by ::
,a, align by ,
,a,, align by ,,
,a| align by |
,a( align by (
,a[ align by [
,a{ align by {
,a< align by <
,a- align by -
,a* align by *
,a" align by "
,a' align by '

See following video for usage:

Plugin: vim-fugitive

Key Function
,gb git blame
,gd git diff
,gl git log
,gs git status
,gt git tab edit
,gv git vertical split

Plugin: GitGutter

Key Function
,vv Toggle GitGutter
,vn Go to next modification
,vp Go to previous modification
Key Function
F8 Switch to next color scheme

Plugin: UltiSnips

Key Function
CTRL+l Insert snippet or Jump to next trigger
CTRL+h Jump to previous trigger

Plugin: vim-surround

Key Function
cs<SRC-SYM><DST-SYM> Change surround from SRC symbol to DST symbol
ys<object><SYM> Add surround for the vim object with SYM
ds<SYM> Delete surround, <SYM> is the symbol of surround
NOTE: the repeat . works for vim-surround.

Color Scheme

I prefer to the solarized scheme.


To support the vim-airline or vim-powerline, the terminal font must be patched. You don't need to patch by yourself, you just need to download and install the patched font from following address:



My VIM configuration file






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