thanks to UDACITY Team for providing such a wonderful course where i learned to work with Deep Learning
This is a model CNN (Convolutional Neural Network )framework for classifying images . this framework can be used for any type of image classification requirement .
- Tensor flow
- numpy
install the needed libraries . an easy way to do is to download the miniconda for your os and follow these steps provided in this link
* download CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit
* choose between anaconda or docker
* #### for anaconda:
* #### for docker
- after installation , open terminal or cmd prompt and run jupyter with this command
- jupyter notebook
- this will open your default web browser .
- select the Convolutional_Network_for_MNIST_Data_Classification.ipynb file .
- go to cell -> Run all
the working of the program can be broken down to following steps
- import the needed libraries
- import the MNIST data into the program (please read the instruction in the notebook provided , there maybe some problem )
- (if needed) Reshaping the train , test and validation data if needed
- building the Neural Network
- input Layer
- convolutional network layer 1
- convolutional network layer 2
- Neural network
- Output layer
- Running the model
- will consume a huge amount of RAM , CPU usage and TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- huge amount of image data is needed to train this model for accurate result