The plugin generates a report that contains all the assets of specific entrypoints. This report can be used to render the page on the server (to include only the necessary styles and scripts).
Report example:
"index": {
"js": ["vendor.js", ""],
"css": [""]
"office": {
"js": ["vendor.js", ""],
"css": [""]
npm i -D chunks-report-webpack-plugin
const ChunksReportPlugin = require('chunks-report-webpack-plugin');
/** @type {webpack.Configuration} */
const config = {
plugins: [
new ChunksReportPlugin({
outputPath: 'build/chunks-report.json',
exclude: [
assetTypes: {
js: /\.js$/,
css: /\.css$/,
Type: string
Default: 'chunks-report.json'
Description: Allows you to specify the path to the file that will contain the report.
Type: string[]
Default: []
Description: Allows you to specify patterns for files that should not be included in the report
[type: string]: RegExp
js: /\.js$/,
css: /\.css$/,
Allows you to specify the types of assets that should be included in the report.