0. Paper link
Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic
(1)launch the Jaco robot and the world in gazebo (should put the 'launch' and 'world' folders under 'kinova_gazebo' folder)
roslaunch kinova_gazebo robot_launch_with_cable_kinect.launch kinova_robot_type:=j2n6s300
roslaunch j2n6s300_moveit_config j2n6s300_gazebo_demo.launch
rosrun research_s2r kinova_cart_vel
rosrun research_s2r modeling_sim
rosrun research_s2r task_sim
(3)Yolo plus color detection is used in the real world for cable detection which helps with modeling.
(4)Gripper is modified in the real world to reach a better grasp of the cable, while in the simulation, a link attacher is used instead.
(1)Collecting real-world data (joint values) with Apriltags attached on the cable and adding weights to serve as external force
(2)Identifying joint stiffness and damping parameters, and these parameters can be used in the simulation
Openrave is used to help with modeling and calculation. The Openrave model is under ‘openrave_model’ folder. The source code for identifying joint stiffness and damping parameters is located at ‘research_r2s’ folder.
(No deformation after the cable is pulled out)
(Deformation after the cable is pulled out)
Sim2Real2Sim was developed at the RIVeR Lab, Northeastern University.