A personal common javascript library for front web development, based on jQuery.
- hide
- show
- get
- alert
- toArray
- isArray
- genRate
- getArrayMax
- getArrayMin
- getFirstValue
- loadImage
- cancelDragDefault
- getCookie
- setCookie
- isIpad
- isMobile
- isIE6
- isIE6_8
- islessIE6
- islessIE7
- islessIE8
- islessIE9
- islessIE10
- supportHTML5Level
- supportCss3
- openURLs
- clone
- objectChanger
- getCssStyle
- addHandler
- removeHandler
- stopPropagation
- getEvent
- getTarget
- getKeyCode
- hasClass
- addClass
- clear
- first
- last
- isFunction
- isString
- from
- of
...to be continued
<script src="YT.min.js"></script>
This will provide $yt ad a global object , and this object has kinds of methods
Completely extract from jquery ajax method , separated from other methods , light and clear
'type' : 'GET or POST',
'url' : 'ajaxUrl',
'data' : 'cur={$cur}&ve={$ve}&is_ajax=1',
'cache' : true,
'dataType': 'json',
'success' : function(r) {
Get from Gist , valued as the fast and lightest md5 library
##Usage var result = md5(string);