A simple script that can Convert xlsx to csv. Support the xlsx cells tha have formulas.
- Download the release version , use the terminal. (Recommend)
xlsx2csv [OPTIONS] <input> [output]
<input> Input XLSX file
<output> Output CSV file (optional). if no value , use sheet name as output
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --input <input> Input XLSX file
-o, --output <output> Output CSV file (optional). if no value , use sheet name as output
-s, --sheet <sheet> Sheet name (optional)
-u, --use-sheet-name Use sheet name as output (optional)
-a, --all-in-one All sheets will be merged in one csv. All.csv as default outfile
name if --input is empty (optional)
-f, --first-line-only-once When set all in one , you can set first_line_only_once (optional)
Example: on windows, make a .bat file, copy the code below, you can change "test.xlsx" as you file name.
@Echo Off
:: Obtain administrator rights
%1 mshta vbscript:createobject("shell.application").shellexecute("%~s0","::","","runas",1)(window.close)&exit
cd /d %~dp0
xlsx2csv test.xlsx
- You can also use download the code and build it . Make sure that you are familiar with rust.
cargo build --release
cargo run examples/test.xlsx
Fell free to use the script.
If the script helps you , fell free to give it a star.