Our CI/CD using Github actions and Droplet for application deployment. Implementation details and explanations are located in our report file in the main directory. A short description of our workflow is as follow:
- On a push to our repository, GitActions triggers our custom workflow.
- Automated tested is ran to ensure functionality of our application to ensure that we only deploy when our application in functioning properly.
- If the testing is succesful we rebuild our docker images which are seperated into frontend and backend and push to docker hub. The images are location here: https://hub.docker.com/r/youngjaeheo2002/frontend and https://hub.docker.com/r/youngjaeheo2002/backend We can also manually build our images if necessary by running the docker build command on the frontend and backend directories.
- We then begin our deployment to Droplet. We SSH into the Droplet VM provided and then pull the newly built images from docker hub.
- We then start up our backend and frontend services using docker-compose which starts up the application.
- Done