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Merge pull request #22 from RobertDutch/main
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add new function Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile
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ykuijs authored Jul 9, 2024
2 parents 469fa8c + 5ea330d commit c0d902c
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Showing 3 changed files with 497 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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## [Unreleased]

### Added
- Function Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile added as replacement for Test-M365PowershellDataFile

## [0.2.12] - 2024-07-03

### Fixed

- Fixed issue in Convert-M365DSCExportToPowerShellDataFile where the created data file
was in ASCII format, causing special characters to be displayed incorrectly.

## [0.2.11] - 2024-06-19

### Changed
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374 changes: 374 additions & 0 deletions source/Public/Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
Function Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile {
Tests the specified object against the information defined in the ExampleData
from the M365DSC.CompositeResources module.
This function tests the specified object against the information defined in the
ExampleData from the M365DSC.CompositeResources module. It creates a Pester test
to check if the specified data and types are correct, as specified in the example
.Parameter Test
Specifies the type of tests to run. Allowed values are:
'TypeValue', 'Required', 'Mandatory', 'TypeValue/Required', 'TypeValue/Mandatory', 'Required/Mandatory', 'TypeValue/Required/Mandatory'.
.Parameter InputObject
The object that contains the data object that needs to be tested.
.Parameter MandatoryObject
The object that contains the Mandatory data.
.Parameter Exclude_AvailableAsResource
All items that are available as a resource and have to be ignored.
.Parameter Exclude_Required
Required items have to be ignored.
.Parameter Verbosity
Specifies the verbosity level of the output. Allowed values are:
None', 'Detailed', 'Diagnostic'. Default is 'Detailed'.
.Parameter StackTraceVerbosity
Specifies the verbosity level of the output. Allowed values are:
'None', 'FirstLine', 'Filtered', 'Full'. Default is 'Firstline'.
.Parameter PesterScript
If specified, the generated Pester script will be opened in an editor.
$Result = Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile -Test TypeValue/Required -InputObject $InputObject
$Result = Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile -Test TypeValue/Required/Mandatory `
-InputObject $InputObject `
-MandatoryObject $MandatoryObject `
-Exclude_AvailableAsResource *CimInstance, *UniqueID, *IsSingleInstance `
-Exclude_Required *CimInstance, *UniqueID `
-Verbosity Detailed `
-StackTraceVerbosity None `
-PesterScript `
This function requires Modules: M365DSC.CompositeResources, ObjectGraphTools
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '', Justification = 'Need Invoke Expression for performance, input is validated')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification = 'Bug powershell, Vars are declared')]

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('TypeValue', 'Required', 'Mandatory', 'TypeValue/Required', 'TypeValue/Mandatory', 'Required/Mandatory', 'TypeValue/Required/Mandatory' )]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[ValidateSet('None', 'Detailed', 'Diagnostic')]
[String]$Verbosity = 'Detailed',

[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[ValidateSet('None', 'FirstLine', 'Filtered', 'Full')]
[String]$StackTraceVerbosity = 'FirstLine',

[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

DynamicParam {
$RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

$AttributeCollection1 = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true

$AttributeCollection2 = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $False

if ($Null -ne $Test ) {
$ParamName = 'InputObject'
$RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName, [System.Object], $AttributeCollection1)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParamName, $RuntimeParameter)

$ParamName = 'Exclude_AvailableAsResource'
$RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName, [String[]], $AttributeCollection2)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParamName, $RuntimeParameter)

if ($Test -like '*Mandatory*') {
$ParamName = 'MandatoryObject'
$RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName, [System.Object], $AttributeCollection1)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParamName, $RuntimeParameter)

if ($Test -like '*Required*') {
$ParamName = 'Exclude_Required'
$RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName, [String[]], $AttributeCollection2)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParamName, $RuntimeParameter)

return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

begin {

$InputObject = $PSboundParameters['InputObject']
$MandatoryObject = $PSboundParameters['MandatoryObject']
$Exclude_AvailableAsResource = $PSboundParameters['Exclude_AvailableAsResource']
$Exclude_Required = $PSboundParameters['Exclude_Required']

# Test if the ObjectGraphTools module is loaded and the class is available
if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'PSNode').Type) {
Import-Module ObjectGraphTools -Force

Class M365DSC_Reference_Values {

M365DSC_Reference_Values([string]$InputString) {
[array]$Result = $InputString.split('|').foreach{ $_.trim() }
$this.type = $Result[0]
$this.Required = $Result[1]
$this.Description = $Result[2]
$This.ValidateSet = $Result[3].foreach{ "'" + ($Result[3] -Replace '\s*\/\s*', "', '") + "'" }
function ShowElapsed {
param( [Switch]$Reset )
if ($Reset) {
$script:TotalTime = get-date
$script:ElapsedTime = get-date
if (-not $script:TotalTime ) { $script:TotalTime = get-date }
if (-not $script:ElapsedTime ) { $script:ElapsedTime = get-date }
$Result = '^ Elapsed: {0} TotalTime: {1} seconds' -f "$(($(get-date) - $ElapsedTime).TotalSeconds) Seconds".PadRight(30, " ") , ($(get-date) - $TotalTime).TotalSeconds
$script:ElapsedTime = Get-date
return $Result

Function Space {
if ($Depth -ge 3) { $Depth = 3 }
Return " " * ($Depth)

function Test-IsGuid {
param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)][string]$StringGuid)
process {
try {
$ObjectGuid = [System.Guid]::Empty
return [System.Guid]::TryParse($StringGuid, [ref]$ObjectGuid)
catch {
Write-Error "An error occurred while checking the GUID format: $_"
return $false

function Pester_Type_Should_Command {
param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Type)
try {
switch ($Type) {
'SInt32' { return "should -match '^\d+$' -because 'Must be a positive Integer'" }
'SInt64' { return "should -match '^\d+$' -because 'Must be a positive Integer'" }
'UInt32' { return "should -BeOfType 'Int'" }
'UInt64' { return "should -BeOfType 'Int'" }
'Guid' { return "Test-IsGuid | should -Be 'True'" }
default { return "should -BeOfType '$Type'" }
catch {
Write-Error "An error occurred while generating Pester 'should' assertion: $_"
return $null

Function Recursive_Node {
param ([psnode]$InputObject)
if ($InputObject.count -eq 0 ) { return }

$Childs = $InputObject | Get-ChildNode
# Required
if ($Test -like '*Required*') {
$LeafParent = $True
$Childs.foreach{ if ( $_ -isnot [PSLeafNode]) { $LeafParent = $false } }
if ($LeafParent) {
$RefChilds = Invoke-Expression $('$Obj_M365DataExample.{0}' -f $($node.Path) -replace "\[\d+\]", '[0]' )
if ($RefChilds) {
$Required_Nodes = $RefChilds.GetEnumerator().Where{ $_.value -like '*| Required |*' }.name
foreach ($Required_Node in $Required_Nodes) {
$Exclude_R = $Exclude_Required | where-object { $('{0}.{1}' -f $Node.Path, $Required_Node) -like $_ } #Check if is Exclude
" {0}{3}`$InputObject.{1}.{2} | should -not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because 'Required setting'" -f $(space $node.depth), $Node.path, $Required_Node, $(if ($Exclude_R.Length) { "#" })

Foreach ($Node in $Childs) {
[Bool]$IsHashTable = $False
[bool]$IsArray = $False

$Exclude_A = $Exclude_AvailableAsResource | where-object { $Node.path -like $_ } #Check if is Exclude
$HashKey = if ($Exclude_A.Length) { "#" } else { "" }

if ($Node.count -eq 0 ) { return }
if ( $node.Depth -le 3 ) { ' {0}It "{1}" {2}{{' -f $(space $node.depth), $Node.path, $(if ($Exclude_A.Length) { "-skip" } ) }

if ((-not $IsArray) -and (-not $IsHashTable) -and ($Test -like "*TypeValue*")) {

[Bool]$IsHashTable = Invoke-Expression $('$Obj_M365DataExample.{0} -is [HashTable]' -f $($node.Path) -replace "\[\d+\]", '[0]' )
if ($IsHashTable) { " {0}{1}`$InputObject.{2} -is [HashTable] | should -BeTrue " -f $(space $node.depth), $HashKey, $node.path }
else {
[bool]$IsArray = Invoke-Expression $('$Obj_M365DataExample.{0} -is [Object[]]' -f $($node.Path) -replace "\[\d+\]", '[0]' )
if ($IsArray) { " {0}{1}`$InputObject.{2} -is [Array] | should -BeTrue " -f $(space $node.depth), $HashKey, $node.path }

$RefResult = Invoke-Expression $('$Obj_M365DataExample.{0}' -f $($node.Path) -replace "\[\d+\]", '[0]' )
if ($RefResult -is [string]) {
$Obj_RefResult = [M365DSC_Reference_Values]::new($RefResult)
if ($Obj_RefResult.type) {
# Type Validation
" {0}{1}`$InputObject.{2} | {3}" -f $(space $node.depth), $HashKey, $node.path , $(Pester_Type_Should_Command $Obj_RefResult.type)
if ($Obj_RefResult.ValidateSet) {
# ValidationSet Validation
" {0}{1}`$InputObject.{2} | should -beIn {3}" -f $(space $node.depth), $HashKey, $node.path, $Obj_RefResult.ValidateSet
if ($null -eq $RefResult ) {
" {0}{1}`$InputObject.{2} | should -BeNullOrEmpty -because 'Not available as Composite Resource'" -f $(space $node.depth), $HashKey , $node.path


if ($node -isnot 'PSLeafNode' ) { Recursive_Node $Node } # Recursive call
if ( $Node.Depth -eq 3 ) { ' {0}}}' -f $(space $node.depth) }


Function MandatoryObject {
param ($Workload)
if ($Test -like "*Mandatory*") {
' It "{0} test Mandatory settings" {{' -f $
$node_MandatoryObject = $MandatoryObject.NonNodeData.$($ | Get-ChildNode -Leaf -Recurse
" `$InputObject.NonNodeData.{0}.{1} | should -be '{2}'" -f $($, $_.path, $_.value
' }'

process {
$script:TotalTime = get-date
ShowElapsed -Reset | out-null
'-- Function Test-M365DSCPowershellDataFile ------------------------------ ' | Write-log
'Tests selected: {0}' -f $Test | write-log
'Exclude AvailableAsResource: {0}' -f ($Exclude_AvailableAsResource -join "; " ) | write-log
'ExcludeRequired: {0}' -f ($Exclude_Required -join "; ") | write-log

'Load InputObject as type [psnode]' | Write-log
$Node_InputObject = $InputObject | get-node
ShowElapsed | write-log -Verbose

if ($MandatoryObject) {
'Load MandatoryObject as type [psnode] ' | Write-log
$Node_MandatoryObject = $MandatoryObject | get-node
ShowElapsed | write-log -Verbose

'Load Example data from module M365DSC.CompositeResources' | Write-log
$Obj_M365DataExample = @(
if (Get-Module M365DSC.CompositeResources) {
Import-PSDataFile -Path ((((Get-Module M365DSC.CompositeResources)).path | Split-Path) + '\M365ConfigurationDataExample.psd1')
else {
Import-PSDataFile -Path (((Get-Module -ListAvailable M365DSC.CompositeResources).path | Split-Path) + '\M365ConfigurationDataExample.psd1')
ShowElapsed | write-log -Verbose

# Generate pesterscript
'Generate pesterscript' | Write-Log
$Pester_Config = @(
"#Requires -Modules Pester"

"Describe '--- Check M365-DSC-CompositeResources configuration ---' {"
foreach ($Workload in $( $Node_InputObject | Get-node("NonNodeData") | Get-ChildNode)) {

if ($Test -like "*TypeValue*" -or $Test -like "*Required*") {
" Context 'Workload {0}' {{" -f $Workload.Name
" Context 'Type/Validatieset/Required' {"
Recursive_Node -InputObject $($Workload | get-node)
" }"

if ($Test -like "*Mandatory*") {
" Context 'Mandatory' {"
MandatoryObject -Workload $($Workload)
" }"
if ($Test -like "*TypeValue*" -or $Test -like "*Required*") { " }" }
ShowElapsed | Write-Log -verbose

try {
# Ensure that $Pester_Config is defined
if (-not $Pester_Config) { throw "The variable `\$Pester_Config` is not defined." }

# Create a temporary Pester script file
$PesterScriptPath = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension((New-TemporaryFile).FullName, '.tests.ps1')
$Pester_Config | Out-File -FilePath $PesterScriptPath -Force -Confirm:$false -Encoding ascii

# Open the Pester script in VSCode
if ($PesterScript) { psedit $PesterScriptPath }

# Set parameters for the Pester container
$PesterParams = [ordered]@{ Path = $PesterScriptPath }
$PesterContainer = New-PesterContainer @PesterParams

# Configure Pester settings
$PesterConfiguration = [PesterConfiguration]@{
Run = @{ Container = $PesterContainer; PassThru = $true }
Should = @{ ErrorAction = "Continue" }
Output = @{ Verbosity = $Verbosity; StackTraceVerbosity = $StackTraceVerbosity }

# Execute Pester tests and store results
'Execute pesterscript' | Write-Log
$PesterResult = Invoke-Pester -Configuration $PesterConfiguration
return $PesterResult
catch {
Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"
finally {
# Clean up the temporary file
if (Test-Path -Path $PesterScriptPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $PesterScriptPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

ShowElapsed | Write-Log -Verbose

if ( $pesterResult.FailedCount -gt 0) { $Splat = @{ Failure = $true } } else { $Splat = @{} }
'Pester[{0}] Tests:{1} Passed:{2} Failed:{3} ' -f $PesterResult.version, $PesterResult.TotalCount, $PesterResult.PassedCount, $pesterResult.FailedCount | write-log @splat

'-- End 2------------------------------------------------------------------ ' | Write-log

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