Package for converting thermodynamic properties like osmotic coefficient, activity coefficient, apparent molal enthalpy and apparent molal heat capacity from one pressure (P1) to another pressure (P2) at constant temperature and composition.
Implemented the general pressure converter model of Rogers and Pitzer(1982).
Verifications of properties:
- osmotic coefficient
- avtivity coefficient
- apparent molal enthalpy
- apparent molar heat capacity
Implemented the general pressure converter model of Archer(1982).
Verifications of properties:
- osmotic coefficient
- avtivity coefficient
- apparent molal enthalpy
- apparent molar heat capacity
Archer, D. G. (1992). Thermodynamic Properties of the NaCl+H2O System. II. Thermodynamic Properties of NaCl(aq), NaCl⋅2H2(cr), and Phase Equilibria. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 21, 793-829.
Rogers, P. S. Z., & Pitzer, K. S. (1982). Volumetric properties of aqueous sodium chloride solutions. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 11(1), 15-81.