These are notes I take on physics and mathematics. The banner pictures are not uploaded, so it may cause some trouble viewing. This can be fixed by removing the frontmatter in each .md
I tried to deploy a GitHub page with it but failed, as many of the markdown grammar I used here were based on Obsidian and it's not an open source editor so many of the formats can't be displayed properly. And I don't want to bother change them manually as this would interrupt my note-taking process. I will try other possible ways in the future.
- Mathematics
- abstract group theory
- brief intro on elliptic curve
- complex function
- differential geometry
- linear algebra
- mathematical logic
- matrix theory
- measure theory
- representation theory
- Riemannian geometry
- set theory
- symplectic geometry
- the great C isomorphism theorem
- topology
- vector analysis
- Physics
- classical field theory
- Dirac algebra
- electrodynamics
- Lie superalgebra
- quantum field theory
- representation of Lorentz algebra
- string theory
- Paper reading
- Supersymmetry and Morse theory
Some of my earlier notes are taken in the format of .tex
. I put them on my homepage I will translate them into markdown in the future.