You have developed a new utility, a turbulence model or a short tuorial? NekBazaar has been created to minimize the effort for sharing. The Nek5000 team does not endorse or offer any support for these contributions. Please see the individual developer for support.
Feel free to add your contributions to this list.
- pipeMeshNek - Creates a mesh for straight pipe
- mshconvert - Reads a Fluent .msh mesh file and outputs .rea file
- How import a mesh from ICEM
- HOPR (High Order Preprocessor) - Converts a mesh from linear to high-order
- [meshio] - I/O for various mesh formats (supports EXODUS export)
- gmsh2nek - convert gmsh .msh (version 2 ascii format) to re2 file
- [exo2nek exprimental] ( - more options for exo2nek and better sideset assignment algorithm
- Moving boundary example - moving boundary example for coarse mesh to project to geometry
- SyEM - Implementation of the divergence-free Synthetic Eddy Method
- tbd
- tbd
- pymech - Scripts for reading and writing Nek5000 files in Python
- nekmatlab - Scripts for reading and writing Nek5000 files in Matlab
- tbd