This repository provides a reference implementation of ASiNE as described in the following paper:
ASiNE: Adversarial Signed Network Embedding
Yeon-Chang Lee, Nayoun Seo, Kyungsik Han and Sang-Wook Kim
43rd Int'l ACM Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (ACM SIGIR 2020)
- Yeon-Chang Lee ([email protected])
- Nayun Seo ([email protected])
- Kyungsik Han ([email protected])
- Sang-Wook Kim ([email protected])
The input files should be saved in data/
folder. The structure of the input file is the following:
node_id1 node_id2 sign
Node ids start from 0 to N-1 (N is the number of nodes in the graph).
The output files are saved in results/
folder. The first line has the following format:
num_of_nodes dim_of_embeddings
The next N lines are as follows:
node_id dim1 dim2 ... dimk
where dim1, ... , dimk is the k-dimensional embedding vectors learned by ASiNE.
--dataset Dataset name (default: "wikirfa")
--n_emb Dimensionality of embedding (default: 128)
--lr Learning rate (default: 0.01)
--window_size Size of context window (default: 2)
--learn_fake_pos Whether performing the additional learning of the fake positive edges generated from negative generator (default: False)
--n_epochs Number of epochs to train (default: 20)
--n_epochs_gen Number of iterations for the generator per epoch (default: 10)
--n_epochs_dis Number of iterations for the discriminator per epoch (default: 10)
--n_sample_gen Number of generating edges (default: 20)
--batch_size_gen Batch size for the generator (default: 64)
--batch_size_dis Batch size for the discriminator (default: 64)
--n_node_subsets Number of subsets to divide nodes existing in the positive or negative graph for large datasets (default: 1)
--lambda_gen L2 loss regularization weight for the generator (default: 0.00001)
--lambda_dis L2 loss regularization weight for the discriminator (default: 0.00001)
python ./src/ --dataset wikirfa --n_emb 128 --lr 0.01 --window_size 2 --learn_fake_pos True --n_epochs 20 --n_node_subsets 2
The code has been tested running under Python 3.6. The required packages are as follows:
tensorflow == 1.8.0
numpy == 1.14.5
pandas == 0.24.2
scikit-learn == 0.19.1
tqdm == 4.23.4
We encourage you to cite our paper if you have used the code in your work. You can use the following BibTex citation:
author = {Yeon{-}Chang Lee and Nayoun Seo and Kyungsik Han and Sang{-}Wook Kim},
title = {ASiNE: Adversarial Signed Network Embedding},
booktitle = {International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (ACM SIGIR 2020)},
year = {2020}