This repo will allow you to write, test and deploy V3 "Tokenized Strategies" using Ape Worx.
You will only need to override the three functions in Strategy.sol of _deployFunds
, _freeFunds
and _harvestAndReport
. With the option to also override _tend
, _tendTrigger
, availableDepositLimit
, availableWithdrawLimit
and _emergencyWithdraw
if desired.
For a more complete overview of how the Tokenized Strategies work please visit the TokenizedStrategy Repo.
Python >=3.8.0, <=3.10
Node.js >=14
git clone
cd tokenized-strategy-ape-mix
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Tip: You can make them persistent by adding the variables in ~/.env (ENVVAR=... format), then adding the following in .bashrc: set -a; source "$HOME/.env"; set +a
pip install -r requirements.txt
ape plugins install .
ape compile
ape test
export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=your_infura_api_key
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=your_api_key
Tip: You can make them persistent by adding the variables in ~/.env (ENVVAR=... format), then adding the following in .bashrc: set -a; source "$HOME/.env"; set +a
For a complete guide to creating a Tokenized Strategy please visit:
See the ApeWorx documentation and github for more information.