The Reo (pronounced "rio") framework allows you to quickly develop single page web applications. Features include:
- no JavaScript needed
- no dependencies (no jQuery, etc.)
- create single page apps easily with web frameworks such as Django
- convert apps with static content into single page apps
- one small file (< 18KB minified)
- hooks to customize any functionality in Reo
Check out some examples here.
See the docs to fully understand how to use Reo.
The unit test cases are here.
When I started to develop my first webapp, I knew little about web development. For the front end I came across jQuery. jQuery facilitated DOM manipulation. With jQuery I found myself repeating the same patterns and realized that jQuery is not a framework. I came across web frameworks like AngularJS, but I decided it would be too much effort to learn and convert our code to Angular. Instead, I generalized the patterns that I was repeating and came up with Reo.
Reo initially depended on jQuery to manipulate the DOM. Reo no longer depends on jQuery. jQuery provides a platform independent way of manipulating the DOM. To ensure Reo works across all browsers, I took the DOM manipulation related code from jQuery and included it in Reo. Furthermore, one use case of Reo is to execute scripts tags from plain HTML, which is not possible using the basic JavaScript. I look only the code that Reo directly used. JQuery is a generic library, so I modified much of what I added because it wasn't applicable to Reo's use cases.
Reo is used by a real estate website we are developing that will launch soon.