Soket is a websocket implementation of
Some features,
- You can broadcast to sessions with filters, tags and to all.
- Ping/pong and session timeouts will be handled by Soket.
- You can set key/value datas on a session.
- This library can be ported with any web framework. Only request and response is needed.
You can find detailed example in examples/echo.go. Run
make run-echo
type Name struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
func main() {
e := echo.New()
s := soket.New()
e.GET("/ws", func(c echo.Context) error {
// In order to upgrade to a websocket, only response and request is necessary.
return s.HandleRequest(c.Response().Writer, c.Request(), func(session *soket.Session) {
// This is fired when a client sends a message.
s.HandleReceivedTextMessage(func(senderSession *soket.Session, msg []byte) {
// This broadcasts to all subscribed websockets.
go func() {
if err := e.Start(":3001"); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
e.Logger.Fatal("error shutting down the server")
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
// This gracefully shutdowns the socket server
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 120*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err := e.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
func New(configs ...config.ConfigParam) ISoket
New creates a new soket instance.
func HandleRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, f func(*Session)) error
Upgrades http requests to websocket connections, returns the session from the inner function.
func HandleRequestWithTags(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, tags map[string]struct{}, f func(*Session)) error
Upgrades http requests to websocket connections, returns the session from the inner function. You can supply tags if you like to filter quickly. Check BroadcastTextToTag
for broadcasting via a tag.
func HandleConnect(f func(*Session))
This will be fired after upgrading request to a websocket connection.
func HandleDisconnect(f func(*Session))
This will be fired after disconnecting from the connection.
func HandleError(f func(*Session, error))
This will handle errors happened in the lifecycle of a websocket.
func HandleReceivedTextMessage(f func(*Session, []byte))
The received message will be returned as byte with the related session.
func HandleReceivedBinaryMessage(f func(*Session, []byte))
The received message will be returned as byte with the related session.
func HandleSentTextMessage(f func(*Session, []byte))
This will be fired after the message is sent.
func HandleSentBinaryMessage(f func(*Session, []byte))
This will be fired after the message is sent.
func HandleSentPingMessage(f func(*Session, []byte))
This will be fired after pinging.
func HandleClose(f func(int, string))
This will be fired after the connection is closed.
func BroadcastExit()
Broadcasts exit to every registered session.
func BroadcastExitTo(sessions map[*Session]struct{})
Broadcasts exit to only selected sessions.
func BroadcastTextToAll(message []byte)
Broadcasts text message to every registered session.
func BroadcastTextTo(message []byte, sessions map[*Session]struct{})
Broadcasts text to only selected sessions.
func BroadcastTextToTag(message []byte, topic string)
Broadcasts text to sessions with tags.
func BroadcastTextWithFiltering(message []byte, filter func(*Session) bool) {
Broadcasts text to sessions that match with specified filter.
func BroadcastBinaryToAll(message []byte)
Broadcasts binary message to all connected sessions.
func BroadcastBinartyTo(message []byte, sessions map[*Session]struct{})
Broadcasts binary message to only selected sessions.
func BroadcastBinaryToTag(message []byte, topic string)
Broadcasts binary message to sessions with tags.
func BroadcastBinaryWithFiltering(message []byte, filter func(*Session) bool)
Broadcasts binary message to sessions that match with specified filter.
func GetAllSessions() map[*Session]struct{}
Returns all the available sessions.
func Shutdown()
Gracefully shutdowns the server.
func WithMessageQueueSize(messageQueueSize int) ConfigParam
Messages to be sent are queued in a channel. Channel queue size tells channel how many message should we keep.
func WithWritePeriod(writePeriod time.Duration) ConfigParam
How long writing to socket should wait?.
func WithPingPeriod(pingPeriod time.Duration) ConfigParam
After opening a socket connection the socket needs to be kept alive. After some time we should do pinging.
func WithPongPeriod(pongPeriod time.Duration) ConfigParam
After opening a socket connection the socket needs to be kept alive. After some time we should do ponging.
func WithMaxMessageSize(maxMessageSize int) ConfigParam
Sets the maximum size in bytes for a message read