Source Code for "Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Span Pruning and Hypergraph Neural Networks" of EMNLP2023
Our code is based on PL-marker, thanks for their great work!
Please refer to PL-marker for dependency installation and dataset preparing instructions.
Download scibert_scivocab_uncased, bert-base-uncased and albert-xxlarge-v1 from huggingface, and place them in fold "pretrained_models".
You can use to train an entity pruner model, we train with five seeds and use the pruner model with highest dev recall for downstream process.
Please run scripts in the fold: shells/pruner, for example:
bash shells/pruner/scierc/
Then we can train the ERE models with ent_pred_{train/dev/test}.json files in the output directory of the span pruner.
For example we can train the HGERE models of scierc dataset with command as follow:
bash shells/hgere/scierc/
All the scripts are in the fold: shells/hgere
You can replace "--do_train --do_eval" in the scripts for training with "--do_test" if you need to evaluate on a pre-trained ERE model.
If you use our code in your research, please cite our work:
title={Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Span Pruning and Hypergraph Neural Networks},
author={Zhaohui Yan and Songlin Yang and Wei Liu and Kewei Tu},