This repository is a 2-level hierarchical architecture implementation of Quantity-Aware CFI2P.
- We run the code on an Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU and i7-12700K CPU. Other devices may also work.
- Install the required Python packages from requirements.txt .
We provide a demo to perform image-to-point cloud registration and visualize cross-modal correspondences. Please run:
cd demo
Download the KITTI Odometry dataset from its official website. Run the data preprocessing scripts and arrange the processed data as:
├── calib/
| ├── 00/
| | ├── calib.txt
| | └── time.txt
| ├── 01/
| └── ...
├── data_odometry_color_npy/
| └── sequences/
| ├── 00/
| | ├── image2/
| | | ├── 000000.npy
| | | └── ...
| | └── image3/
| | ├── 000000.npy
| | └── ...
| ├── 01/
| └── ...
└── data_odometry_velodyne_npy/
└── sequences/
├── 00/
| └── voxel0.1-SNr0.6/
| ├── 000000.npy
| └── ...
├── 01/
└── ...
Download the NuScenes dataset from its official website. Please refer to the public repository of CorrI2P (TCSVT 2023) to process the NuScenes dataset, or download the preprocessed data provided by them directly. Please arrange the data as:
├── train/
| ├── img/
| | ├── 000000.npy
| | └── ...
| ├── PC/
| | ├── 000000.npy
| | └── ...
| └── K/
| ├── 000000.npy
| └── ...
└── test/
├── img/
| ├── 000000.npy
| └── ...
├── PC/
| ├── 000000.npy
| └── ...
└── K/
├── 000000.npy
└── ...
Train the coarse part of CFI2P:
Train the fine part of CFI2P:
In checkpoint, we provide a pretrained model "kitti.pth" to reproduce the reported results on the KITTI Odometry dataset. Please run:
We thank the authors of DeepI2P (CVPR 2021), Point Transformer (CVPR 2021), CorrI2P (TCSVT 2023) and so on for their public codes.