Tableau workbooks for analyzing Fast-Trips outputs, with comparison to on-board survey data.
Tableau workbooks depend on 2 output files generated by notebooks/prepare_fasttrips.ipynb. The notebook reads a set of fast-trips standard outputs and a list of observed trips for comparison. Set the directory for these inputs ("OUTPUT_DIR" and "obs_links_dir") in the upper cells. (Note that observed records are not available on GitHub due to privacy restrictions.)
Outputs generated from the script include:
- path_comparison.csv
- chosenpath_links_with_observed.csv
Other configurations in the top cell include:
- "threshold"
- only include paths above a given probability threshold
- "comparison field"
- when comparing trips, specify whether matches are based on modes, agencies, or routes
Download dashboard:!/vizhome/OBS-ValidationDRAFT/FastTripsOverview-OBS Open with Tableau Public/Desktop.
Navigate to Data Source tab, and select "Edit Connection" under Connections pane. Point to the latest output from the notebooks. Update the location for "chosenpaths_links" and "path_comparison" data sources. "Path_intersection" is an additional output from the notebook that may be required to be updated as well, but is no longer used in the dashboard.