You can find more details at the the WEATHER BOARD wiki:
Functionality has been added to:
stream weather sensor data to (rotatable) log file. File is rotated at a user specified time with 24 hour periud (at hh:mm:ss), or after an arbitrary user specified perior (hh:mm:ss). unless a rotation is forced via SIGUSR1.
stream weather sensir data to standard output.
send weather sensor data to FIFO (weatherpipe) on reciept of SIGUSR2 so other processes can slave weather_board and use it to probe the weatherboard sensors.
<datetime> uvi: <float> vis: <float>lux ir: <float>lux temp: <float>C humidity: <float>%% dew point <float>C pressure: <float>hpa
- uvi is UV index.
- vis is visible light flux.
- ir is infrared light flux.
- temp is temperature (degrees Celsius).
- humidity is percent relative humidity.
- dew point is (wet bulb) temperature depression (degrees Celsius).
- pressure is atmospheric pressure in Hectopascals.
Weather Board (version 3.00)
M.A. O'Neill, Tumbling Dice, 2016-2023
Usage : [sudo] weather_board [-usage | -help]
[-uperiod <update period in secs:60>]
[-ttymode:FALSE] | [-logfile <log file name> [-rollover <hh:mm:ss:00:00:00> | -rperiod <hh:mm:ss>]]
[i2c node:/dev/i2c-1]
[ >& <error/status log>]
SIGUSR1 (10): force file rollover
SIGINT (02):
SIGHUP (01):
SIGERM (15): exit gracefully
SIGUSR2 (12): write latest data to weatherpipe
Note that although the (now obseleted) boad is manufactured by HardKernel, it communicates via I2C bit banging and so it will also work with Raspberry 3/3B/4/5 and probably other ARM-based SBC's.