My daily routine implements Atomic Pattern to the react app, I was doing that repeatedly, so the reason I create this package is to help me work every day.
npm i -g @xxidbr9/rage
yarn global add @xxidbr9/rage
rage -h
- Init Command
- Check is react exist in package json
- Use babel / vite and inject alias
- Add alias to tsconfig.json
- Read to rage.config.[js|json] / .ragerc as a json
- Use Template folder when it exist
- rage create [-c | --component] {{COMPONENT_TYPE}} [--js] [--story | -s] [--name | -n | no flags] {{COMP_NAME}}
- Create Atoms Components
- Create Molecules Components
- Create Organisms Components
- Create Templates Components
- Create StoryBook For Each Components when it use the flags --story, -s
- Create Test file with --test, -t flags
- Show Version --version, -v
- Use Javascript instead of typescript --js