Solutions to the first 50 Project Euler problems, implemented in Dart.
All functions are unit-tested and documented extensively. The solution of each
problem can be found inside lib/src
- Get Dart from here
- Clone the repository
- To calculate all solutions, run
dart run bin/dart_euler.dart
- To calculate the solution to a specific problem, use flag
-p <number>
[x] #01 [x] #11 [x] #21 [ ] #31 [x] #41
[x] #02 [x] #12 [x] #22 [ ] #32 [x] #42
[x] #03 [x] #13 [ ] #23 [ ] #33 [ ] #43
[x] #04 [x] #14 [ ] #24 [ ] #34 [ ] #44
[x] #05 [x] #15 [x] #25 [x] #35 [x] #45
[x] #06 [x] #16 [ ] #26 [x] #36 [ ] #46
[x] #07 [x] #17 [ ] #27 [x] #37 [x] #47
[x] #08 [x] #18 [x] #28 [ ] #38 [ ] #48
[x] #09 [x] #19 [x] #29 [ ] #39 [ ] #49
[x] #10 [x] #20 [ ] #30 [ ] #40 [ ] #50