Step 1. Clean Texts
- cleaning the raw texts with removing section names.
- cleaning the raw texts, but keeping some section names.
Step 2. Coreference Resolution
- return the coref-resolved texts
-- _eval_corefs: detect the coreferences in the texts.
-- _replace: replace the word detected by _eval_corefs functions.
-- _rebuild_contents: Utilizing the _replace function to reconstruct the texts.
-- get_resolved_texts: Combining three functions mentioned above to get the coref-resolved texts.
Step 3: Split paragraph-level abstracts to sentence-level abstracts:
-- nltk.sent_tokenize(option 1)
-- import spacy
nlp = spacy.load(..)
doc = nlp(..)
sents = doc.sents
Step 4: Select sents for each abstracts that we need:
1. Rule-based
-- define some functions and rules as tools for
-- return the non_sci_statement_sents and sci_statemnt_sents.
-- return bio_sci_statement_sents and n non_sci_statement_sents by using Scispacy.
Or -- return bio_sci_statement_sents and n non_sci_statement_sents by using Scispacy.
-- a wrapper used to get the mapping results when input one sentences
-- Utlizing tools and remove some characters that UMLS can not recognize. Finally, store the mapping results in .json file.
Step 1: Extract the Utttext(a sent) from MetaMap results.
Step 2: Extract the mapped entities and its semTypes from the MetaMap results.
--- the steps mentioned above are achieved in file with the function of handleMMres
Extract SVOS for each simplified sents combing the MetaMap results.
--- handleMMres: Extract the Utttext(a sent) from MetaMap results.
Extract the mapped entities and its semTypes from the MetaMap results.
--- getSVOs_w_sem_and_wo_sem: Extract the svo w/wo semtypes based on MetaMap results based on StanfordCoreNLP Tools.
1. Evaluate whether the selected sentences belongs to the specific domain.
-- Utilizing the results of the as training to fine-tune a pre-trained LM. Then using this fine-tuned model to distinguish whether one sentence is sci statement or not and to extract the sci statement sentence.
2. Evaluate whether the extracted triplets meets our requirements.
-- Methods 1: using rule-based(syntax parsing) to extract svos directly.
--- Failed Reason: We need more self-defined rules to extract a sentence when the sentence includes more complex components.
-- Methods 2: using ClauseIE to extract svos directly.
--- Failed Reason: Although this method could extract svos that are in clause sentences. But other important information of a sentence is lost,such as numerical information or time information.
-- It is a tool for open-domain triplets extraction.
-- It combines rule-based and deeplearning methods to extract triplets and to filter some wrong triplets because of its syntax.
-- But it could not be direly applied in specifical domain. The reason is that some methods for handeling biomedical texts are different from the open-domain texts.
-- It is a tool which can extract triplets focusing on AD-dieases domain.
-- It utlizes most of KGC techniques that we could use them as a reference and baseline.
-- But this work could not filter some triplets that are wrong or not required.
1. Simplified sents for one long sentence(e.g. clauses sents)
-- output the simplified results into .json file for
-- return the results in sentence form based on the results from
2. How to define the evaluation model or train the model.
3. Reducing such self-defined stopwords