JavaScript/TypeScript SDK for interacting with the Xian blockchain network. This library provides comprehensive tools for wallet management, transaction handling, and smart contract interactions.
npm install xian-js
- Basic and HD wallet creation using BIP39/BIP32 standards
- Secure keystore functionality for encrypted key storage
- Transaction creation, simulation, and broadcasting
- Support for both synchronous and asynchronous transaction submission
- Smart contract deployment and interaction
- Comprehensive blockchain querying capabilities
- Network status monitoring and management
- Advanced data encoding utilities for blockchain-specific types
- Custom BigNumber handling for precise decimal operations
- Message signing and verification utilities
- Event emitting system for real-time updates
- TypeScript support with full type definitions
import { TransactionBuilder, Wallet } from "xian-js";
// Create a new wallet
const wallet = Wallet.create_wallet();
console.log(`Public Key: ${wallet.vk}`);
// Set up network information
const network_info = {
chain_id: "xian-testnet-1",
masternode_hosts: [""]
// Create and send a transaction
const tx_info = {
senderVk: wallet.vk,
chain_id: network_info.chain_id,
contractName: "currency",
methodName: "transfer",
kwargs: {
to: "recipient_address",
amount: 100
stampLimit: 50000
const transaction = new TransactionBuilder(network_info, tx_info);
const result = await transaction.send(;
import { Wallet } from "xian-js";
// Create a new wallet
const newWallet = Wallet.create_wallet();
// Create from existing private key
const existingWallet = Wallet.create_wallet({
sk: "your_private_key_here"
// Create BIP39 HD wallet
const hdWallet = Wallet.new_wallet_bip39();
console.log(`Mnemonic: ${hdWallet.mnemonic}`);
// Sign a message
const message = Buffer.from('Hello Xian');
const signature = wallet.sign(, message);
// Verify signature
const isValid = wallet.verify(wallet.vk, message, signature);
const tx_info = {
senderVk: wallet.vk,
chain_id: network_info.chain_id,
contractName: "currency",
methodName: "transfer",
kwargs: {
to: "recipient_address",
amount: 100
const transaction = new TransactionBuilder(network_info, tx_info);
const result = await transaction.send(;
// Simulate transaction to estimate stamps
const simulation = await transaction.simulate_txn(;
console.log(`Estimated stamps: ${simulation.stamps_used}`);
The SDK provides secure key storage functionality:
import { Keystore } from "xian-js";
// Create a new keystore
const keystore = new Keystore();
// Add keys with metadata
sk: "private_key_here",
nickname: "Main Wallet",
name: "Trading Account",
network: "testnet"
// Encrypt keystore with password
const encrypted = keystore.createKeystore("your_password", "optional_hint");
// Load encrypted keystore
const loadedKeystore = new Keystore({ keystoreData: encrypted });
// Access wallets
const wallets = loadedKeystore.wallets;
The SDK includes utilities for handling blockchain-specific data types:
import { Encoder } from "xian-js";
// Handle blockchain numbers with precision
const amount = Encoder("bigNumber", "123.456789");
// Encode various data types
const intValue = Encoder("int", 123);
const floatValue = Encoder("float", 123.456);
const dateValue = Encoder("datetime", new Date());
const listValue = Encoder("list", [1, 2, 3]);
import { Network } from "xian-js";
const network = new Network({
chain_id: "xian-testnet-1",
masternode_hosts: [""]
// Check network status
const isOnline = await;
// Get latest block
const latestBlock = await network.getLastetBlock();
import { MasternodeAPI } from "xian-js";
const api = new MasternodeAPI(network_info);
// Get contract info
const contractInfo = await api.getContractInfo("currency");
// Get contract methods
const methods = await api.getContractMethods("currency");
// Query contract state
const state = await api.getVariable("currency", "balances", address);
// Get account balance
const balance = await api.getCurrencyBalance(address);
// Get transaction details
const tx = await api.getTxResult(txHash);
// Get contract variables
const variables = await api.getContractVariables("currency");
The SDK includes an event emitter system for real-time updates:"online", (status) => {
console.log(`Network status changed: ${status}`);