One-click Update
cd /www/wwwroot/
php xmplus update
php composer.phar update -n
Chang Logs
- Fix online ip issue
- Added config=latest for sublink config (for apps the require xhttp for tranport instead of splithttp) V2rayNG & Streisand newest version
- Fixed other minor issue
- Updated backend to v1.0.18 with xray-core v24.11.30
Update dependemcies
php composer.phar update -n
XMPlus Backend Here
Add MaskAddress: half
to your config.yml Log section
Level: none # Log level: none, error, warning, info, debug
AccessPath: # /etc/XMPlus/access.Log
ErrorPath: # /etc/XMPlus/error.log
MaskAddress: half # half, full, quarter
XMPlus Installation
bash <(curl -Ls v1.0.18
XrayR Installation
wget -N && bash