Panel only support XMPlus backend from version v2.2. Use provided config format HERE
xmplus uninstall
One-click Update
cd /www/wwwroot/tld.com
php xmplus update
php composer.phar update -n
Chang Logs
- Fixed singbox config issue when unsing tcp
- Added apln to security settings
- Added cdn_host network settings
When using cdn host as a host in app, panel netwoork host must be empty and set cdn host using cdn_host parameter.
If network host is filled, client host must be the same for server to verify else connection will decline.
*** cdn_host is valid for ws, h2, splithttp and httpupgrade only ***
Network settings
"transport" : "ws",
"acceptProxyProtocol": false,
"host": "x.tld.com",
"path": "/xmplus?ed=2560",
"cdn_host": "www.cloudflare.com"
Security settings
"serverName": "x.tld.com",
"rejectUnknownSni": false,
"allowInsecure": true,
"fingerprint": "chrome",
"sni" : "google.com",
"alpn": [
Clash meta core supported app
Backend Installation & Configuration
bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XMPlusDev/XMPlusv1/install/install.sh)
XrayR Installation
wget -N https://raw.githubusercontent.com/XrayR-project/XrayR-release/master/install.sh && bash install.sh