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CP-47001: [xapi-fdcaps]: add operations module and tests
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Use the capabilities module to wrap most Unix operations needed in testing Unixext

Add a testsuite that checks that whenever the type says "never" the underlying file descriptor operation
would indeed raise an exception. This ensures that the type constraints we declare are actually correct.
The checks use unsafe operations that bypass the type layer.

Similarly check that operations that are accepted by the type system and marked as "always" in the type succeed.

Signed-off-by: Edwin Török <[email protected]>
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edwintorok committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 31a6fbe commit 218a5f6
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206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions lib/xapi-fdcaps/
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* Copyright (C) 2023 Cloud Software Group
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
* exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

open Properties

type +!'a props = {
props: ('b, 'c) Properties.props
; custom_ftruncate: (int64 -> unit) option
; fd: Safefd.t
constraint 'a = ('b, 'c) Properties.props

type +!'a t = 'a props constraint 'a = (_, _) Properties.t

type (+!'a, +!'b) make = ('a, 'b) Properties.t t

let dump ppf =
field "props" (fun t -> t.props) pp
; field "custom_ftruncate"
(fun t -> Option.is_some t.custom_ftruncate)
; field "fd" (fun t -> t.fd) Safefd.dump

let pp ppf =
~sep:Fmt.(any "; ")
field "props" (fun t -> t.props) pp
; field "custom_ftruncate"
(fun t -> Option.is_some t.custom_ftruncate)
; field "fd" (fun t -> t.fd) Safefd.pp

let close t = Safefd.idempotent_close_exn t.fd

let with_fd t f =
let finally () = close t in
Fun.protect ~finally (fun () -> f t)

module Syntax = struct let ( let@ ) f x = f x end

open Syntax

let with_fd2 (fd1, fd2) f =
let@ fd1 = with_fd fd1 in
let@ fd2 = with_fd fd2 in
f (fd1, fd2)

let make ?custom_ftruncate props fd : 'a t =
{fd= Safefd.of_file_descr fd; props; custom_ftruncate}

let make_ro_exn kind fd = make (Properties.make `rdonly kind) fd

let make_wo_exn kind fd = make (Properties.make `wronly kind) fd

let make_rw_exn ?custom_ftruncate kind fd =
make (Properties.make `rdwr kind) ?custom_ftruncate fd

let pipe () =
let kind = `fifo in
let ro, wo = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in
(make_ro_exn kind ro, make_wo_exn kind wo)

let socketpair domain typ proto =
let kind = `sock in
let fd1, fd2 = Unix.socketpair ~cloexec:true domain typ proto in
(make_rw_exn kind fd1, make_rw_exn kind fd2)

let openfile_ro kind path flags =
make_ro_exn kind
@@ Unix.openfile path (Unix.O_RDONLY :: Unix.O_CLOEXEC :: flags) 0

let openfile_rw ?custom_ftruncate kind path flags =
make_rw_exn ?custom_ftruncate kind
@@ Unix.openfile path (Unix.O_RDWR :: Unix.O_CLOEXEC :: flags) 0

let openfile_wo kind path flags =
make_wo_exn kind
@@ Unix.openfile path (Unix.O_WRONLY :: Unix.O_CLOEXEC :: flags) 0

let creat path flags perm =
make_rw_exn `reg
@@ Unix.openfile path
(Unix.O_RDWR :: Unix.O_CREAT :: Unix.O_EXCL :: Unix.O_CLOEXEC :: flags)

let dev_null_out () = openfile_wo `chr "/dev/null" []

let dev_null_in () = openfile_ro `chr "/dev/null" []

let dev_zero () = openfile_ro `chr "/dev/zero" []

let shutdown_recv t =
Unix.shutdown (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) Unix.SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE

let shutdown_send t =
Unix.shutdown (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) Unix.SHUTDOWN_SEND

let shutdown_all t =
Unix.shutdown (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL

let ftruncate t size =
match t.custom_ftruncate with
| None ->
Unix.LargeFile.ftruncate (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) size
| Some f ->
f size

let lseek t off whence =
Unix.LargeFile.lseek (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) off whence

let read t buf off len = (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) buf off len

let single_write_substring t buf off len =
Unix.single_write_substring (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd) buf off len

let set_nonblock t = Unix.set_nonblock (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd)

let clear_nonblock t = Unix.clear_nonblock (Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd)

let with_tempfile ?size () f =
let name, ch =
Filename.open_temp_file ~mode:[Open_binary] "xapi_fdcaps" "tmp"
let finally () =
close_out_noerr ch ;
try Unix.unlink name with Unix.Unix_error (_, _, _) -> ()
let@ () = Fun.protect ~finally in
let t = ch |> Unix.descr_of_out_channel |> make_wo_exn `reg in
let@ t = with_fd t in
size |> Option.iter (fun size -> ftruncate t size) ;
f (name, t)

let check_output cmd args =
let cmd = Filename.quote_command cmd args in
let ch = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
let finally () =
let (_ : Unix.process_status) = Unix.close_process_in ch in
with _ -> ()
Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () ->
let out = In_channel.input_all ch |> String.trim in
match Unix.close_process_in ch with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
| _ ->
failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s exited nonzero" cmd)

let with_temp_blk ?(sector_size = 512) ?delay_read_ms:_ ?delay_write_ms:_ name f
let blkdev =
check_output "losetup"
; "--sector-size"
; string_of_int sector_size
; "--direct-io=on"
; "--find"
; name
let custom_ftruncate size =
Unix.LargeFile.truncate name size ;
let (_ : string) = check_output "losetup" ["--set-capacity"; name] in
let finally () =
let (_ : string) = check_output "losetup" ["--detach"; blkdev] in
let@ () = Fun.protect ~finally in
let@ t = with_fd @@ openfile_rw ~custom_ftruncate `blk blkdev [] in
f (blkdev, t)

let setup () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore

module For_test = struct
let unsafe_fd_exn t = Safefd.unsafe_to_file_descr_exn t.fd

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