Small tool for sharing ssh config with your team members. Using etcd as the store, will support other stores, redis etc...
Three ways to Provide etcd endpoint:
command arg:
xssh -url http://etcd:2379
environment variable:
export XSSH_ETCD_URL=http://etcd:2379
store config file: ~/.ssh/store
store = etcd
url = http://etcd:2379
xssh -s
will save store endpoint into ~/.ssh/store
xssh command line help:
add host into store
get all keys from store recursively
import from aws inventory file
-bastion string
bastion host: used for ProxyComand in ssh/config
-category string
category (default "default")
change host parameters
delete host from store
delete key from store
-file string
file path
get host details from store
get key directory from store
-host string
host: Host in ssh/config
-ip string
ip or domain name: HostName in ssh/config
-key string
dir key in store
list hosts from store
list keys from store
-pem string
private key file name, default will be ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-port string
port: Port in ssh/config (default "22")
put key into store
-rename string
new host name for changing host parameters
-root string
etcd root path (default "/ssh")
-s save store configuration as ~/.ssh/store
save ssh config file to disk as ~/.ssh/config
-url string
store endpoint
-user string
username: User in ssh/config (default "ubuntu")
-value string
specifiy key's value
- List all hosts in store
xssh -list
- Add host
xssh -add -host app01 -ip -user ubuntu -bastion bastion-server
Delete a host
Save as local ssh config file (Automatically backup your old config files)
xssh -save
- Save store configurations to ~/.ssh/store
xssh -s