As for February 13th 2021 (2021-02-13), this project has been archived. The functionality this userscript provided has been built into the bbPress forums of at this time.
Learn how to use the native Also Viewing feature on
This is a userscript, used with TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey, used to avoid overlapping replies on
The script provides a small bar, showing you what other script uers are viewing (or typing) in a given topic.
This is done to avoid overlapping replies, which can be confusing to end users, and in some cases come off as noisy or spammy.
You can also visit the /dist/alsoviewing.user.js
and click the Raw button. TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey will take over from there.
Contributions are welcome, bugreports, suggestions and even pull requests! No limitations, shoot for the stars!
The project uses no fancy build procedures, it's all JavaScript and the source is in the src/