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Gaurav Tiwari edited this page May 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Why would I need this plugin?

If you are an affiliate marketer or blogger who uses month, years and dates in your posts. If you use these dynamic month, year, date, next year, previous year shortcodes you won't have to update those posts again and again as the time passes.

How can I access settings?

You can not. There is no options panel because there is no need to have one.

Can I use it in Block Editor or Classic Editor?

You can use the shortcodes in both Block Editor and Classic Editor like running text. You can also the shortcodes in widget areas including footer (use-case: Autoupdating Copyright Year) and headers (use-case: Today's Date).

Will this plugin work in my language?

Yes. The shortcode outputs are WPML ready. Since there is no settings page, you don't have to translate this plugin.

How can I use these shortcodes in my theme/PHP code?

You can use <?php echo do_shortcode('[year]');?>, <?php echo do_shortcode('[month]');?> etc. in themes or in functionality plugins to use these shortcodes.

How can render shortcodes in ACF fields? =

This plugin doesn't render shortcodes in ACF fields by default (due to various reasons, security being the first). But if you need to render [year] etc. shortcodes to render, you can enable those field typewise or even field-namewise. Just add this code in your theme's functions.php file or in Code Snippets plugin:

ACF field type => text add_filter('acf/format_value/type=text', 'do_shortcode');

ACF field name => headline add_filter('acf/format_value/name=headline', 'do_shortcode');