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Setup raspberry pi

Wout Slakhorst edited this page Mar 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

There're lots of resources online on how to setup your raspberry pi. This is by no means an exhaustive manual, just a little help to get you started with some useful links. I work on a Mac, so some of the stuff might not work for you...


I used a Rasbian Buster image from and flashed it with Etcher (


After that I mount it on my Mac and added an empty file ssh in the boot partition. This enables ssh access for the pi user with raspberry as password. After unmounting and inserting the SD-card into the Pi, I used a LAN connection to get initial access. Once connected I started up raspi-config

sudo raspi-config

In the config I've setup the wifi network.


The second version uses a Raspberry pi zero, so in addition access to Wifi has to be arranged before hand. This can be done by adding the file wpa_supplicant.conf to /boot:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

	ssid="WiFi SSID"
	psk="WPA/WPA2 passphrase"
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