Python package for automatically quality assessing WOUDC data based on defined rules.
woudc-qa requires Python 2.7.
See requirements.txt
# via distutils
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
usage: [-h] --file FILE
Execute Qa.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE Path to extended CSV file to be quality assessed.
from woudc_qa import qa
file_s = open(<path to your extended CSV file.>).read()
qa_results = qa(file_s)
# qa_results is a dictionary as such:
# qa_results: {
# filename: {
# test_id: {
# row : {
# result: result of this test, pass/fail/None/NR,
# table: table name,
# table_index: table_index,
# element: element name,
# related_test_id: test_id,
# related_test_result: related tests result, pass/fail/None/NR
# precond : precondition result: pass/fail/None/NR
# }
# }
# }
# }
# where,
# 'filename' is the name of the file, default it to 'file1'
# 'test_id' is the test identifier from the test definition
# 'row' is the row number of the element under assessmet. Always 1 for non profile/payload element
# 'result', is the result of the assessment for the element at the indicated row for the given test
# 'table' is the name of the table where the element under assessment is found
# 'table_index' is the index of the above table. Default to 1, index will be incremented by 1 to handle multicipity
# 'element' is the element under assessment
# 'related_test_id' is a listing of any related test to this test
# 'related_test_result' is a aggregated result of all related tests to this test
# 'precond' is the aggregated result of any precondition checks
# from collections import OrderedDict
# test_result = qa_result[<filename>][<test_id>]
# iterate over test results by row:
# for row, result in test_result.iteritems():
# print row, result
# get result of assessment at a specific row
# row_result = qa_results[<filename>][<test_id>][<row number>]['result']
For development environments, install in a Python virtualenv:
virtualenv foo
cd foo
. bin/activate
# fork master
# fork on GitHub
# clone your fork to create a branch
git clone{your GitHub username}/woudc-qa.git
cd woudc-qa
# install dev packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
# create upstream remote
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream master
git branch my-cool-feature
git checkout my-cool-feature
# start dev
git commit -m 'implement cool feature'
# push to your fork
git push origin my-cool-feature
# issue Pull Request on GitHub
git checkout master
# cleanup/update once your branch is merged on GitHub
# remove branch
git branch -D my-cool-feature
# update your fork
git pull upstream master
git push origin master
# via distutils
python test
# manually
# report test coverage
coverage run --source woudc_qa test
coverage report -m
woudc_qa code conventions are as per PEP8.
# code should always pass the following
find -type f -name "*.py" | xargs flake8
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.