Element-Plus-Form-Base is an adaptation of Vuetify-Form-Base to the framework Element-Plus. Since Vuetify is not currently available for VUE 3.0, you can therefore alternatively use Element-Plus-Form-Base with Vue 3.0 applications. Element-Plus-Form-base is currently under development.
Imagine you get Data as JS-Object and you have to create an editable Form.
Model: {
name: 'Stoner',
position: 'Admin',
tasks: [
done: true,
task: 'make refactoring'
done: false,
task: 'write documentation'
done: true,
task: 'remove logs'
Normally you have to flatten the Data-Structure and map all to an appropriate Format. Then you have to define a HTML-Form and animate it with your Data.
With Element-Plus-Form-Base create a Schema Object with the same Structure as your Data.
Schema: {
name: { comp:'text', label:'Name' },
position: { comp:'text', label:'Position' },
tasks: {
comp: 'array',
schema: {
done:{ comp:'checkbox', col:4},
title:{ comp:'text', col:20 }
and you will get a working Form.
If you have to generate Forms or you have to edit Data presented as JSON- or JS-Objects, then take a closer look at Element-Plus-Form-Base and try it. It can make your work much easier and save your time. This Form Generator works as Vue.js 3.0 Component and can simplify your Work by automatically creating Forms, based on your Schema-Definition.
Furthermore if you don't define a Schema, then Element-Plus-Form-Base tries to generate a schema automatically. This works if the Data Values are of Type 'string', 'number' or 'bool'.
Element-Plus-Form-Base uses the Desktop UI Library Element-Plus to style and layout your Form. This Controls have a clear, minimalistic design and support responsive Design. If necessary add specific layouts by using the implemented Element-Plus Layout System.
Clone or download this Project, change current directory to ./Element-Plus-Form-Base/example and then run
npm install
npm run dev
Copy this HTML File and set the correct path to element-plus-form-base.umd.js
<title>ElementPlus FormBase CDN</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- import VUE -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@next"></script>
<!-- import CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/index.css">
<!-- import JavaScript -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/element-plus/lib/index.full.js"></script>
<!-- import element-Plus-Form-Base -->
<script src="[### SET PATH TO UMD FILE ###]/element-plus-form-base.umd.js"></script>
#form-base .form-base { padding:6px; background-color: #def; }
<div id="app">
:col="{span:24, sm:12, md:8 }"
<h4>Update Events in Console</h4>
<p>from Key:{{logvalue.key}}</p>
<p>with Value:{{logvalue.value}}</p>
const App = {
components:{ formbase },
data:() => ({
model: {
name:{ comp:'input', placeholder:'Textfield...', clearable:true },
date:{ comp:'datePicker' },
radio:{ comp:'radio', options:['A','B','C'] },
checkbox:{ comp:'checkboxGroupButton', options:['A','B','C'] },
select:{ comp:'select', options:['A','B','C'], multiple:true },
color:{ comp:'colorPicker' }
this.logvalue = v
console.log('Key:',v.obj.key,'Value:', ' - - - ',v.value, v)
const app = Vue.createApp(App);