This is the backend of the jira2postit project
This application acts as a middleware between the jira2postit angular app and your jira software instance. It also stores printing settings related to each board.
The possible arguments of the application are:
-j, --jira-url
: Jira instance base url (ex:'). Always add/rest
at the end of the domain. -
-x, --proxy
: Proxy address
-w, --cors
: Front address (ex: https://my.front.domain)
-k, --private-key
: HTTPS private key certificate path
-c, --certificate
: HTTPS certificate path
To start the server locally with automatic reload on file saving, type:
- Linux, MacOS
npm run dev -- -j http://your.jira.domain/rest -w https://localhost:4200
- Windows
set NODE_ENV=development
nodemon server.js -j http://your.jira.domain/rest -w https://localhost:4200
Navigate to https://localhost:8000/login
and accept the security exception due to the auto-signed ssl certificate. Your front will then be able to communicate with the middleware.
- Linux, MacOS
npm run start -- -j http://your.jira.domain/rest -w https://your.jira2postit.front.domain
- Windows
set NODE_ENV=production
node server.js -j http://your.jira.domain/rest -w https://your.jira2postit.front.domain
- Build the image:
docker build -t image-name .
- Run the container:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 image-name -j http://your.jira.instance.domain/rest
- Run with a mounted volume: To ensure your data is persisted, mount a volume, you should also provide your jira2postit front domain for CORS policy
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name container-name -v database/path/on/host:/usr/src/data image-name -j http://your.jira.instance.domain/rest -w https://your.jira2postit.front.domain
- Full exemple: If you have a local jira instance running on port 8081 and a front on port 4200 and want to persist the data in the folder /tmp/data, this is the command to type
docker build -t jira-middleware .
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name middleware -v /tmp/data:/usr/src/data jira-middleware -j http://host.docker.internal:8081/rest -w https://localhost:4200