is a Deferred Physically Based Rendering LÖVE library.
It aims to be a simple and versatile tool to render 2D/3D with PBR.
This library is at the frontier between 2D and 3D, so the workflow can be atypical. |
3D baked scene: Point&Click, title screen, etc.
2D side/top views: lighting, etc.
2D isometric/pseudo-isometric: proper overlapping of tiles, lighting, etc.
3D meshes / SDF ray-marching: use the library as the pipeline for the final rendering
See examples (copy the library and launch the directory with LÖVE).
See src.
-- Create a scene.
-- A scene defines a 2D-3D space (view space), parameters and data to properly
-- render each material/object.
-- There are two modes for a scene: orthographic or custom.
-- The orthographic mode allows for any kind of 2D rendering, with the
-- possibility to adjust the depth of each element and perform meaningful
-- transformations. The depth is positive, view->far. Correct scene dimensions
-- are important to keep consistency for light computation (distance, etc.).
-- The custom mode allows the use of a specific projection matrix, but reduces
-- the API possibilities.
-- API requiring a position (like a point light) are in view space (defined by the projection).
-- w,h: render dimensions
-- depth_projection: max depth of the scene or custom projection matrix
--- max depth: orthographic mode, maximum depth distance of the scene (> 0)
--- projection matrix: custom mode, LÖVE table format (row-major)
-- sw, sh: (optional) scene dimensions for orthographic mode (default: w, h)
-- return Scene
M.newScene(w, h, depth_projection, sw, sh)
self.w, self.h -- dimensions
self.AA_mode -- string
self.depth -- max depth distance (0 when custom)
self.projection_matrix -- orthographic or custom, row-major
-- deferred buffers
-- Set projection.
-- depth_projection: max depth of the scene or custom projection matrix
--- max depth: orthographic mode, maximum depth distance of the scene (> 0)
--- projection matrix: custom mode, LÖVE table format (row-major)
-- sw, sh: (optional) scene dimensions for orthographic mode (default: w, h)
Scene:setProjection(depth_projection, sw, sh)
-- Set gamma used for correction.
-- (ignored by "filmic" TMO)
-- Set exposure adjustment.
-- Set tone mapping operator.
-- tmo: tone mapping operator (string)
--- "raw" (scene default)
--- "reinhard"
--- "filmic" (Jim Hejl, Richard Burgess-Dawson)
-- Configure bloom.
-- Scene default is (0.8,0.5,6.5,0.1).
-- threshold: level of brightness
-- knee: 0-1 (0: hard threshold, 1: soft threshold)
-- radius: bloom radius (resolution-independent)
-- intensity: bloom intensity (0 to disable bloom)
-- safe_clamp: (optional) safe color extraction (default: 1e20)
Scene:setBloom(threshold, knee, radius, intensity, safe_clamp)
-- Set material/translucent textures color profiles.
-- Scene default is "sRGB" for albedo and "linear" for MR.
-- Normal, depth and emission maps must be linear (color wise).
-- albedo, MR: color space string ("sRGB" or "linear")
Scene:setMaterialColorProfiles(albedo, MR)
-- Set FXAA parameters.
-- contrast_threshold: (scene default: 0.0312)
--- Trims the algorithm from processing darks.
--- 0.0833 - upper limit (default, the start of visible unfiltered edges)
--- 0.0625 - high quality (faster)
--- 0.0312 - visible limit (slower)
-- relative_threshold: (scene default: 0.125)
--- The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm.
--- 0.333 - too little (faster)
--- 0.250 - low quality
--- 0.166 - default
--- 0.125 - high quality
--- 0.063 - overkill (slower)
-- subpixel_blending: (scene default: 0.75)
--- Choose the amount of sub-pixel aliasing removal.
--- This can effect sharpness.
--- 1.00 - upper limit (softer)
--- 0.75 - default amount of filtering
--- 0.50 - lower limit (sharper, less sub-pixel aliasing removal)
--- 0.25 - almost off
--- 0.00 - completely off
Scene:setFXAA(contrast_threshold, relative_threshold, subpixel_blending)
-- Set anti-aliasing mode.
-- mode: string
--- "none": disabled (scene default)
--- "FXAA": FXAA 3.11
-- Bind canvases and shader.
-- The material pass is the process of writing the albedo/shape (RGBA), normal,
-- metalness/roughness and depth of each object of the scene to the G-buffer.
-- The albedo texture is to be used with LÖVE draw calls, it defines the albedo
-- and shape (alpha) of the material/object (affected by LÖVE color).
-- If the API is too limited, it is better to write a custom material shader and
-- directly call the LÖVE API (ex: ray-marching SDF, different kind of
-- textures, etc.).
-- Bind normal map.
-- The normal map must be in view space (X left->right, Y bottom->top, Z far->view).
-- normal_map: 3-components texture (RGBA8 format recommended)
-- Bind metalness/roughness map.
-- MR_map: 2-components texture (metalness + roughness, RG8 format recommended)
-- metalness: (optional) metalness factor (default: 1)
-- roughness: (optional) roughness factor (default: 1)
Scene:bindMaterialMR(MR_map, metalness, roughness)
-- Bind depth/emission map.
-- In orthographic mode, the depth map is the perpendicular distance to the
-- view plane (not near plane) for each pixel, it can be absolute or normalized (0-1).
-- If normalized, it must be done with this formula: log2(z+1)/log2(max+1).
-- In custom mode, the depth map is written as-is, z and depth_max are not
-- used.
-- DE_map: 2-component texture (depth + emission, RG32F format recommended, absolute or normalized)
-- z: (optional) depth of the object (should be positive, default: 0)
-- depth_max: (optional) max distance in the logarithmically normalized depth map (default: 0)
-- emission_factor: (optional) factor for the emission intensity (default: 1)
-- emission_max: (optional) max value in the logarithmically normalized emission map (default: 0)
Scene:bindMaterialDE(DE_map, z, depth_max, emission_factor, emission_max)
-- Bind canvases and shader.
-- The light pass is the process of lighting the materials.
-- (uses LÖVE color)
-- (uses LÖVE color)
Scene:drawPointLight(x, y, z, radius, intensity)
-- (uses LÖVE color)
Scene:drawDirectionalLight(dx, dy, dz, intensity)
-- Draw emission light pass (uses LÖVE color).
-- intensity: (optional) (default: 1)
-- Bind raw light.
-- Used to add raw light on the light buffer with draw calls.
-- Bind canvases and shader.
-- The translucent pass is like the material pass, but only the albedo and
-- emission will be used and the depth will not be modified (not a "solid"
-- pass, after the light pass).
-- Same as bindMaterialDE.
Scene:bindTranslucentDE(DE_map, z, depth_max, emission_factor, emission_max)
-- Final rendering.
-- r,g,b,a: (optional) background color for the render (default: transparent)
Scene:render(r, g, b, a)
The implemented PBR is mostly based on the PBR tutorials from learnopengl and this paper from Epic Games.
The filmic tone mapping operator comes from John Hable’s post.
The implemented bloom is based on the technique explained here and take inspirations from KinoBloom and Blender EEVEE implementations.
Bright areas are extracted from the render.
The result is downsampled successively N times with a 2x2 blur filter, effectively applying a 4x4 blur filter (texture bilinear filtering).
The result is then upsampled successively N times the same way and accumulated to each previous downsampled buffer until finally added to the render.
The implementation is based on this tutorial about FXAA 3.11.