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Fix some tests and clean up code
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- remove unused statements in the code
- fix warning in test setup
- fix scroll tests
- fix tests around error summary
  • Loading branch information
moiikana committed Sep 19, 2024
1 parent 56df66c commit 8d25e1b
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Showing 10 changed files with 86 additions and 55 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import { Store } from 'vuex';
import { action } from '@src/store/util';
import { AddressTypeModel } from '@src/view_models/AddressTypeModel';
import { waitForServerValidationToFinish } from '@src/util/wait_for_server_validation';
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref } from 'vue';
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { Validity } from '@src/view_models/Validity';

type ReturnType = {
submit: () => Promise<void>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +82,13 @@ export function usePersonalDataSectionEventHandlers(
} );

watch( () => store.state.payment.values.type, ( newType: string ) => {
if ( newType !== 'BEZ' ) {
bankDataIsValid.value = true;
store.dispatch( action( 'bankdata', 'setBankDataValidity' ), Validity.VALID );
} );

return {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ const props = defineProps<Props>();
const campaignParams = inject<string>( QUERY_STRING_INJECTION_KEY, '' );
const isFullSelected = ref( false );
const store = useStore();
defineExpose( { focus: (): void => pageRef.value.focus() } );
const setFullSelected = ( selected: boolean ) => {
isFullSelected.value = selected;
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Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ const { addressSummary, inlineSummaryLanguageItem } = useAddressSummary( store )
const mailingList = useMailingListModel( store );
const { receiptNeeded, showReceiptOptionError } = useReceiptModel( store );
const countryWasRestored = ref<boolean>( false );
defineExpose( { focus: (): void => pageRef.value.focus() } );
const scrollToPaymentSection = () => {
const scrollIntoViewElement = document.getElementById( 'donation-page-form-section-payment' );
if ( scrollIntoViewElement ) {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ import { computed } from 'vue';
interface Props {
showErrorSummary: boolean;
addressType: AddressTypeModel;
receiptNeeded?: boolean;
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import { action } from '@src/store/util';
import { AddressTypeModel } from '@src/view_models/AddressTypeModel';
import { waitForServerValidationToFinish } from '@src/util/wait_for_server_validation';
import { AddressTypeIds } from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/AddressTypeIds';
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref } from 'vue';
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { Validity } from '@src/view_models/Validity';

const trackFormSubmissionForAddressType = ( addressType: AddressTypeModel ) => {
if ( addressType === AddressTypeModel.ANON ) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,16 +61,17 @@ export function usePersonalDataSectionEventHandlers(

if ( !store.getters[ 'address/requiredFieldsAreValid' ] ) {
addressDataIsValid.value = false;

if ( isDirectDebit.value && !store.getters[ 'bankdata/bankDataIsValid' ] ) {
bankDataIsValid.value = false;

if ( !store.getters[ 'payment/paymentDataIsValid' ] ) {
paymentDataIsValid.value = false;

if ( !addressDataIsValid.value || !bankDataIsValid.value || !paymentDataIsValid.value ) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,6 +99,13 @@ export function usePersonalDataSectionEventHandlers(
} );

watch( () => store.state.payment.values.type, ( newType: string ) => {
if ( newType !== 'BEZ' ) {
bankDataIsValid.value = true;
store.dispatch( action( 'bankdata', 'setBankDataValidity' ), Validity.VALID );
} );

return {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe( 'DonationForm.vue', () => {
validateBankDataUrl: '',
validateLegacyBankDataUrl: '',
salutations: [],
addressValidationPatterns: {} as AddressValidation,
addressValidationPatterns: { postcode: '' } as AddressValidation,
usesContentCards: true,
global: {
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { flushPromises, mount, VueWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils';

import axios from 'axios';
import PersonalDataSection from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/singlePageFormSections/PersonalDataSection.vue';
import { createStore } from '@src/store/donation_store';
import { action } from '@src/store/util';
import { AddressTypeModel } from '@src/view_models/AddressTypeModel';
Expand All @@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ import { nextTick } from 'vue';
import AddressTypeBasic from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/AddressTypeBasic.vue';
import { Validity } from '@src/view_models/Validity';
import { Salutation } from '@src/view_models/Salutation';
import PersonalDataSection from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/singlePageFormSections/PersonalDataSection.vue';
import { FakeBankValidationResource } from '@test/unit/TestDoubles/FakeBankValidationResource';
import BankFields from '@src/components/shared/BankFields.vue';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {
return { wrapper, store };

const setPaymentType = ( store: Store<any>, paymentType: string ): Promise<any> => {
const setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues = ( store: Store<any>, paymentType: string ): Promise<any> => {
return store.dispatch( action( 'payment', 'initializePayment' ), {
allowedIntervals: [ 0 ],
allowedPaymentTypes: [ paymentType ],
Expand All @@ -90,19 +90,19 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();
} );

it( 'hides bank data fields if payment type is not direct debit', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'UEB' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();
} );
Expand All @@ -121,28 +121,28 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {

it( 'scrolls to payment section when button for changing payment data is clicked', async () => {
const scrollElement = { scrollIntoView: jest.fn() };
Object.defineProperty( document, 'getElementById', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: () => scrollElement } );

const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

await wrapper.find( '#previous-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();

// TODO test that payment section got scrolled to
expect( scrollElement.scrollIntoView ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
expect( scrollElement.scrollIntoView ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { behavior: 'smooth' } );
} );

it( 'shows and hides the error summary', async () => {

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'UEB' );

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();
await nextTick();

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );

await wrapper.find( '#addressType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-salutation-0' ).trigger( 'change' );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

if ( addressTypeSelector !== '' ) {
await wrapper.find( addressTypeSelector ).trigger( 'change' );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {

it( 'submits the form', async () => {
const store = createStore();
await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'UEB' );
await store.dispatch( action( 'address', 'initializeAddress' ), {
addressType: AddressTypeModel.ANON,
newsletter: true,
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue', () => {
const wrapper = mount( PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt, {
props: {
assetsPath: '',
validateAddressUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',
validateEmailUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',
validateAddressUrl: '',
validateEmailUrl: '',
validateBankDataUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',
validateLegacyBankDataUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',
countries: [ testCountry ],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,26 +108,26 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue', () => {

it( 'scrolls to payment section when button for changing payment data is clicked', async () => {
const scrollElement = { scrollIntoView: jest.fn() };
Object.defineProperty( document, 'getElementById', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: () => scrollElement } );

const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

await wrapper.find( '#previous-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();

// TODO test that payment section got scrolled to
expect( scrollElement.scrollIntoView ).toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( scrollElement.scrollIntoView ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { behavior: 'smooth' } );
} );

it( 'shows and hides the error summary', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );

await wrapper.find( '#donation-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );
await nextTick();
await nextTick();

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );

await wrapper.find( '#donationReceipt-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#addressType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#salutation-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue', () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();
store.dispatch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue( true );

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await wrapper.find( '#donation-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );

expect( store.dispatch ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( action( 'payment', 'markEmptyValuesAsInvalid' ) );
} );
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (
return { wrapper, store };

const setPaymentType = ( store: Store<any>, paymentType: string ): Promise<any> => {
const setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues = ( store: Store<any>, paymentType: string ): Promise<any> => {
return store.dispatch( action( 'payment', 'initializePayment' ), {
allowedIntervals: [ 0 ],
allowedPaymentTypes: [ paymentType ],
Expand All @@ -92,45 +92,45 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();
} );

it( 'hides bank data fields if payment type is not direct debit', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'UEB' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( BankFields ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();
} );

it( 'scrolls to payment section when button for changing payment data is clicked', async () => {
const scrollElement = { scrollIntoView: jest.fn() };
Object.defineProperty( document, 'getElementById', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: () => scrollElement } );

const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

await wrapper.find( '#previous-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();

// TODO test that payment section got scrolled to
expect( scrollElement.scrollIntoView ).toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( scrollElement.scrollIntoView ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { behavior: 'smooth' } );
} );

it( 'shows and hides the error summary', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'UEB' );

await wrapper.find( '#donation-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );
await nextTick();
await nextTick();

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );

await wrapper.find( '#donationReceipt-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#addressType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#salutation-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

await wrapper.find( '#donation-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );
await nextTick();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (
it( 'handles all error summary clicks when no donation receipt has been selected', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

await wrapper.find( '#donation-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );
await nextTick();
Expand All @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

await wrapper.find( '#donationReceipt-0' ).trigger( 'change' );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

await wrapper.find( '#donationReceipt-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#addressType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (

const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'BEZ' );

await wrapper.find( '#donationReceipt-0' ).trigger( 'change' );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,14 +326,14 @@ describe( 'PersonalDataSectionDonationReceipt.vue (With Street Autocomplete)', (
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();
store.dispatch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue( true );

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await wrapper.find( '#donation-form' ).trigger( 'submit' );

expect( store.dispatch ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( action( 'payment', 'markEmptyValuesAsInvalid' ) );
} );

it( 'submits the form', async () => {
const store = createStore();
await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );
await setPaymentTypeAndInitializeOtherPaymentValues( store, 'UEB' );
await store.dispatch( action( 'address', 'initializeAddress' ), {
addressType: AddressTypeModel.PERSON,
newsletter: true,
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