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Add tests for new SinglePageForm Section components
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moiikana committed Sep 4, 2024
1 parent cac260c commit 47d5d5b
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Showing 4 changed files with 531 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import { action } from '@src/store/util';
import { mount, VueWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils';
import { Store } from 'vuex';
import PaymentSection from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/singlePageFromSections/PaymentSection.vue';
import { createStore } from '@src/store/donation_store';
import { createFeatureToggle } from '@src/util/createFeatureToggle';
import { nextTick } from 'vue';

jest.mock( '@src/util/tracking', () => {
return {
trackFormSubmission: jest.fn(),
trackDynamicForm: jest.fn(),
} );

describe( 'PaymentSection.vue', () => {

const getWrapper = ( store: Store<any> = createStore() ): { wrapper: VueWrapper<any>, store: Store<any> } => {
const wrapper = mount( PaymentSection, {
props: {
paymentAmounts: [ 500 ],
paymentIntervals: [ 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 ],
paymentTypes: [ 'BEZ', 'PPL', 'UEB', 'BTC' ],
global: {
plugins: [ store ],
components: {
FeatureToggle: createFeatureToggle( [] ),
} );
return { wrapper, store };

beforeEach( () => {
global.window.scrollTo = jest.fn();
} );

it( 'validates the input on page submit', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();
store.dispatch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue( true );

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );

expect( store.dispatch ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( action( 'payment', 'markEmptyValuesAsInvalid' ) );
} );

it.skip( 'emits event if there are no validation errors', async () => {
const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

await wrapper.find( '#amount-500' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#paymentType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );

expect( wrapper.emitted( 'next-page' ) ).toBeTruthy();
} );

it.skip( 'doesn\'t emit event if there are validation errors', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();
store.dispatch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue( true );

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );

expect( wrapper.emitted( 'next-page' ) ).toBeUndefined();
} );

it( 'shows and hides the error summary', async () => {
const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();
await nextTick();

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await wrapper.find( '#amount-500' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#paymentType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();
} );
} );
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
import { flushPromises, mount, VueWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils';

import axios from 'axios';
import PersonalDataSection from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/singlePageFromSections/PersonalDataSection.vue';
import { createStore, StoreKey } from '@src/store/donation_store';
import { action } from '@src/store/util';
import PaymentBankData from '@src/components/shared/PaymentBankData.vue';
import { AddressTypeModel } from '@src/view_models/AddressTypeModel';
import { createFeatureToggle } from '@src/util/createFeatureToggle';
import { Store } from 'vuex';
import { TrackingData } from '@src/view_models/TrackingData';
import { CampaignValues } from '@src/view_models/CampaignValues';
import { AddressValidation } from '@src/view_models/Validation';
import { nextTick } from 'vue';
import AddressTypeBasic from '@src/components/pages/donation_form/AddressTypeBasic.vue';
import { Validity } from '@src/view_models/Validity';
import { Salutation } from '@src/view_models/Salutation';

const testCountry = {
countryCode: 'de',
countryFullName: 'Germany',
group: '',
postCodeValidation: '',

const salutations: Salutation[] = [
label: 'Herr',
value: 'Herr',
display: 'Herr',
greetings: {
formal: 'Herr',
informal: 'Herr',
lastNameInformal: 'Herr',

jest.mock( 'axios' );
const mockedAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>;

describe( 'PersonalDataSection.vue', () => {
const getWrapper = ( store: Store<any> = createStore() ): { wrapper: VueWrapper<any>, store: Store<any> } => {
const wrapper = mount( PersonalDataSection, {
props: {
assetsPath: '',
validateAddressUrl: '',
validateEmailUrl: '',
validateBankDataUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',
validateLegacyBankDataUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',
countries: [ testCountry ],
trackingData: {} as TrackingData,
campaignValues: {} as CampaignValues,
addressValidationPatterns: { postcode: '' } as AddressValidation,
global: {
plugins: [ store ],
stubs: {
Address: true,
provide: {
[ StoreKey as symbol ]: store,
components: {
FeatureToggle: createFeatureToggle( [ 'campaigns.address_type_steps.preselect' ] ),
} );

return { wrapper, store };

const setPaymentType = ( store: Store<any>, paymentType: string ): Promise<any> => {
return store.dispatch( action( 'payment', 'initializePayment' ), {
allowedIntervals: [ 0 ],
allowedPaymentTypes: [ paymentType ],
initialValues: {
amount: '100',
type: paymentType,
paymentIntervalInMonths: '0',
isCustomAmount: false,
} );

it( 'shows bank data fields if payment type is direct debit', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

expect( wrapper.findComponent( PaymentBankData ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( PaymentBankData ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();
} );

it( 'hides bank data fields if payment type is not direct debit', async () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

await setPaymentType( store, 'BEZ' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( PaymentBankData ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await setPaymentType( store, 'UEB' );

expect( wrapper.findComponent( PaymentBankData ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();
} );

it( 'sets address type in store when it receives address-type event', () => {
const { wrapper, store } = getWrapper();

store.dispatch = jest.fn();
const expectedAction = action( 'address', 'setAddressType' );
const expectedPayload = AddressTypeModel.ANON;

wrapper.findComponent( AddressTypeBasic ).vm.$emit( 'address-type', AddressTypeModel.ANON );

expect( store.dispatch ).toBeCalledWith( expectedAction, expectedPayload );
} );

it( 'shows and hides the error summary', async () => {
const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await nextTick();
await nextTick();

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();

await wrapper.find( '#addressType-0' ).trigger( 'change' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-salutation-0' ).trigger( 'change' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-first-name' ).setValue( 'first-name' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-first-name' ).trigger( 'blur' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-last-name' ).setValue( 'last-name' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-last-name' ).trigger( 'blur' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-street' ).setValue( 'street' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-street' ).trigger( 'blur' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-post-code' ).setValue( 'post-code' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-post-code' ).trigger( 'blur' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-city' ).setValue( 'city' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-city' ).trigger( 'blur' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-country' ).setValue( 'country' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-country' ).trigger( 'blur' );

await wrapper.find( '#person-email' ).setValue( '[email protected]' );
await wrapper.find( '#person-email' ).trigger( 'blur' );

expect( wrapper.find( '.error-summary' ).exists() ).toBeFalsy();
} );

it( 'updates full selected', async () => {
const { wrapper } = getWrapper();

wrapper.findComponent( AddressTypeBasic ).vm.$emit( 'address-type', AddressTypeModel.PERSON );
wrapper.findComponent( AddressTypeBasic ).vm.$emit( 'set-full-selected' );
await nextTick();

expect( wrapper.find( '.address-type-person' ).exists() ).toBeTruthy();
} );

it( 'submits the form', async () => {
const store = createStore();
await store.dispatch( action( 'address', 'initializeAddress' ), {
addressType: AddressTypeModel.ANON,
newsletter: true,
receipt: true,
fields: [
{ name: 'salutation', value: 'Mr', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'title', value: 'Dr', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'firstName', value: 'value', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'lastName', value: 'value', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'street', value: 'value', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'postcode', value: '12345', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'city', value: 'value', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'country', value: 'value', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'email', value: '[email protected]', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
{ name: 'companyName', value: 'value', validity: Validity.RESTORED },
} ); { data: { status: 'OK' } } );
const { wrapper } = getWrapper( store );

const submitForm = wrapper.find<HTMLFormElement>( '#submit-form' );
submitForm.element.submit = jest.fn();

await wrapper.find( '#submit-btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
await flushPromises();

expect( submitForm.element.submit ).toHaveBeenCalled();
} );

} );

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