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SetHealthKitPermission: re-indent, extract log-message for query erro…
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asafkorem committed Oct 30, 2022
1 parent 6fdc234 commit a752c40
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 198 deletions.
381 changes: 183 additions & 198 deletions applesimutils/applesimutils/SetHealthKitPermission.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,215 +10,200 @@
#import <FMDB/FMDB.h>
#import "SimUtils.h"

#define logcontinue_query_error(db) \
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute query: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]]; \

@implementation SetHealthKitPermission

+ (NSURL*)healthdbURLForSimulatorId:(NSString*)simulatorId osVersion:(NSOperatingSystemVersion)isVersion
return [[SimUtils libraryURLForSimulatorId:simulatorId] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Health/healthdb.sqlite"];
return [[SimUtils libraryURLForSimulatorId:simulatorId] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Health/healthdb.sqlite"];

+ (BOOL)setHealthKitPermission:(HealthKitPermissionStatus)permission forBundleIdentifier:(NSString*)bundleIdentifier simulatorIdentifier:(NSString*)simulatorId osVersion:(NSOperatingSystemVersion)osVersion needsSBRestart:(BOOL*)needsSBRestart error:(NSError**)error
LNLog(LNLogLevelDebug, @"Setting HealthKit permission");

if(osVersion.majorVersion < 12)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SetHealthKitPermissionError" code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Setting health permission is supported for iOS 12 simulators and above (got %@.%@)", @(osVersion.majorVersion), @(osVersion.minorVersion)]}];

return NO;

*needsSBRestart |= YES;

__block BOOL success = NO;
NSDate* start = [NSDate date];

while (!success)
dtx_defer {
if(success == NO)
debug_log(@"Retrying in one second");
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];

NSTimeInterval elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
if (elapsed > AppleSimUtilsRetryTimeout) break;

NSURL* healthURL = [self healthdbURLForSimulatorId:simulatorId osVersion:osVersion];
if ([healthURL checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:error] == NO)
logcontinue(@"Health database not found");

FMDatabase* db = [[FMDatabase alloc] initWithURL:healthURL];
dtx_defer {
if(db.isOpen == YES)
[db close];

if([db open] == NO)
logcontinue(@"Health database failed to open");

FMResultSet* resultSet;
id rowID = nil;
dtx_defer {
if(resultSet != nil)
[resultSet close];
auto bundleIdQuery = @"select ROWID from sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id";
if(osVersion.majorVersion >= 16)
LNLog(LNLogLevelDebug, @"Setting HealthKit permission");

if(osVersion.majorVersion < 12)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SetHealthKitPermissionError" code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Setting health permission is supported for iOS 12 simulators and above (got %@.%@)", @(osVersion.majorVersion), @(osVersion.minorVersion)]}];

return NO;

*needsSBRestart |= YES;

__block BOOL success = NO;
NSDate* start = [NSDate date];

while (!success)
dtx_defer {
if(success == NO)
debug_log(@"Retrying in one second");
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];

NSTimeInterval elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
if (elapsed > AppleSimUtilsRetryTimeout) break;

NSURL* healthURL = [self healthdbURLForSimulatorId:simulatorId osVersion:osVersion];
if ([healthURL checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:error] == NO)
logcontinue(@"Health database not found");

FMDatabase* db = [[FMDatabase alloc] initWithURL:healthURL];
dtx_defer {
if(db.isOpen == YES)
[db close];

if([db open] == NO)
logcontinue(@"Health database failed to open");

FMResultSet* resultSet;
id rowID = nil;
dtx_defer {
if(resultSet != nil)
[resultSet close];

auto bundleIdQuery = osVersion.majorVersion >= 16 ?
@"select ROWID from sources where logical_source_id IN(select ROWID from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id)" :
@"select ROWID from sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id";

if((resultSet = [db executeQuery:bundleIdQuery withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}]) == nil)

BOOL didHaveRow = [resultSet nextWithError:error];

if(didHaveRow == NO && permission == HealthKitPermissionStatusUnset)
//No need to do anything,
return YES;

if(didHaveRow == NO)
NSMutableData* uuidData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:sizeof(uuid_t)];
[uuid getUUIDBytes:uuidData.mutableBytes];

FMResultSet* syncAnchorResultSet = nil;
dtx_defer {
if(syncAnchorResultSet != nil)
[syncAnchorResultSet close];
NSNumber* syncAnchor = @1;
if((syncAnchorResultSet = [db executeQuery:@"select MAX(sync_anchor) from sources"]) == nil)

if([syncAnchorResultSet next] != NO)
syncAnchor = @([syncAnchorResultSet intForColumnIndex:0] + 1);

if(osVersion.majorVersion >= 16)
[db beginTransaction];
if([db executeUpdate:@"insert into logical_sources (bundle_id) VALUES (:bundle_id)" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
bundleIdQuery = @"select ROWID from sources where logical_source_id IN(select ROWID from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id)";

if((resultSet = [db executeQuery:bundleIdQuery withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}]) == nil)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute query: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];

BOOL didHaveRow = [resultSet nextWithError:error];

if(didHaveRow == NO && permission == HealthKitPermissionStatusUnset)
//No need to do anything,
return YES;

if(didHaveRow == NO)
NSMutableData* uuidData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:sizeof(uuid_t)];
[uuid getUUIDBytes:uuidData.mutableBytes];

FMResultSet* syncAnchorResultSet = nil;
dtx_defer {
if(syncAnchorResultSet != nil)
[syncAnchorResultSet close];
NSNumber* syncAnchor = @1;
if((syncAnchorResultSet = [db executeQuery:@"select MAX(sync_anchor) from sources"]) == nil)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute query: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];

if([syncAnchorResultSet next] != NO)
syncAnchor = @([syncAnchorResultSet intForColumnIndex:0] + 1);

if(osVersion.majorVersion >= 16)
[db beginTransaction];
if([db executeUpdate:@"insert into logical_sources (bundle_id) VALUES (:bundle_id)" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];

NSMutableString* query = @"uuid, name, source_options, local_device, product_type, deleted, mod_date, provenance, sync_anchor, logical_source_id, sync_identity".mutableCopy;
NSMutableString* values = @":uuid, :name, :source_options, :local_device, :product_type, :deleted, :mod_date, :provenance, :sync_anchor, (select ROWID from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id), :sync_identity".mutableCopy;
NSMutableDictionary* params = @{@"uuid": uuidData, @"name": bundleIdentifier, @"source_options": @5, @"local_device": @0, @"product_type": @"", @"deleted": @0, @"mod_date": @(, @"provenance": @0, @"sync_anchor": syncAnchor, @"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier, @"sync_identity": @1}.mutableCopy;

if([db executeUpdate:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert into sources (%@) VALUES (%@)", query, values] withParameterDictionary:params] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];
[db commit];
NSMutableString* query = @"uuid, bundle_id, name, source_options, local_device, product_type, deleted, mod_date, provenance, sync_anchor".mutableCopy;
NSMutableString* values = @":uuid, :bundle_id, :name, :source_options, :local_device, :product_type, :deleted, :mod_date, :provenance, :sync_anchor".mutableCopy;
NSMutableDictionary* params = @{@"uuid": uuidData, @"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier, @"name": bundleIdentifier, @"source_options": @5, @"local_device": @0, @"product_type": @"", @"deleted": @0, @"mod_date": @(, @"provenance": @0, @"sync_anchor": syncAnchor}.mutableCopy;

if(osVersion.majorVersion < 12)
[query appendString:@", sync_primary"];
[values appendString:@", :sync_primary"];
params[@"sync_primary"] = @1;

if([db executeUpdate:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert into sources (%@) VALUES (%@)", query, values] withParameterDictionary:params] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];

[resultSet close];
if((resultSet = [db executeQuery:bundleIdQuery withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}]) == nil)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute query: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];
[resultSet nextWithError:error];

rowID = [resultSet objectForColumn:@"ROWID"];

if(rowID == nil)
logcontinue(@"No row ID found");;

__unused BOOL b = [db executeUpdate:@"delete from authorization where source_id == :source_id" withParameterDictionary:@{@"source_id": rowID}];

if(permission == HealthKitPermissionStatusUnset)
if(osVersion.majorVersion >= 16)
[db beginTransaction];
if([db executeUpdate:@"delete from sources where (select ROWID from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id)" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];
if([db executeUpdate:@"delete from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];
[db commit];
if([db executeUpdate:@"delete from sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];
for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
if([db executeUpdate:@"insert into authorization (source_id, object_type, status, request, mode, date_modified, modification_epoch, provenance, deleted_object_anchor, object_limit_anchor, object_limit_modified) VALUES (:source_id, :object_type, :status, :request, :mode, :date_modified, :modification_epoch, :provenance, :deleted_object_anchor, :object_limit_anchor, :object_limit_modified)" withParameterDictionary:@{@"source_id": rowID, @"object_type": @(i), @"status": permission == HealthKitPermissionStatusAllow ? @101 : @104, @"request": @203, @"mode": @0, @"date_modified": @(, @"modification_epoch": @1, @"provenance": @0, @"deleted_object_anchor": @0, @"object_limit_anchor": @0, @"object_limit_modified": NSNull.null}] == NO)
auto msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Health database failed to execute update: %@", [db lastErrorMessage]];

success = YES;

return success;
NSMutableString* query = @"uuid, name, source_options, local_device, product_type, deleted, mod_date, provenance, sync_anchor, logical_source_id, sync_identity".mutableCopy;
NSMutableString* values = @":uuid, :name, :source_options, :local_device, :product_type, :deleted, :mod_date, :provenance, :sync_anchor, (select ROWID from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id), :sync_identity".mutableCopy;
NSMutableDictionary* params = @{@"uuid": uuidData, @"name": bundleIdentifier, @"source_options": @5, @"local_device": @0, @"product_type": @"", @"deleted": @0, @"mod_date": @(, @"provenance": @0, @"sync_anchor": syncAnchor, @"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier, @"sync_identity": @1}.mutableCopy;

if([db executeUpdate:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert into sources (%@) VALUES (%@)", query, values] withParameterDictionary:params] == NO)
[db commit];
NSMutableString* query = @"uuid, bundle_id, name, source_options, local_device, product_type, deleted, mod_date, provenance, sync_anchor".mutableCopy;
NSMutableString* values = @":uuid, :bundle_id, :name, :source_options, :local_device, :product_type, :deleted, :mod_date, :provenance, :sync_anchor".mutableCopy;
NSMutableDictionary* params = @{@"uuid": uuidData, @"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier, @"name": bundleIdentifier, @"source_options": @5, @"local_device": @0, @"product_type": @"", @"deleted": @0, @"mod_date": @(, @"provenance": @0, @"sync_anchor": syncAnchor}.mutableCopy;

if([db executeUpdate:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert into sources (%@) VALUES (%@)", query, values] withParameterDictionary:params] == NO)

[resultSet close];
if((resultSet = [db executeQuery:bundleIdQuery withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}]) == nil)
[resultSet nextWithError:error];

rowID = [resultSet objectForColumn:@"ROWID"];

if(rowID == nil)
logcontinue(@"No row ID found");;

__unused BOOL b = [db executeUpdate:@"delete from authorization where source_id == :source_id" withParameterDictionary:@{@"source_id": rowID}];

if(permission == HealthKitPermissionStatusUnset)
if(osVersion.majorVersion >= 16)
[db beginTransaction];
if([db executeUpdate:@"delete from sources where (select ROWID from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id)" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
if([db executeUpdate:@"delete from logical_sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
[db commit];
if([db executeUpdate:@"delete from sources where bundle_id == :bundle_id" withParameterDictionary:@{@"bundle_id": bundleIdentifier}] == NO)
for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
if([db executeUpdate:@"insert into authorization (source_id, object_type, status, request, mode, date_modified, modification_epoch, provenance, deleted_object_anchor, object_limit_anchor, object_limit_modified) VALUES (:source_id, :object_type, :status, :request, :mode, :date_modified, :modification_epoch, :provenance, :deleted_object_anchor, :object_limit_anchor, :object_limit_modified)" withParameterDictionary:@{@"source_id": rowID, @"object_type": @(i), @"status": permission == HealthKitPermissionStatusAllow ? @101 : @104, @"request": @203, @"mode": @0, @"date_modified": @(, @"modification_epoch": @1, @"provenance": @0, @"deleted_object_anchor": @0, @"object_limit_anchor": @0, @"object_limit_modified": NSNull.null}] == NO)

success = YES;

return success;


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