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Delegate exporter

The cron job is designed for retrieving delegates and storing them in Cloudflare R2 storage


  • Obtain a code for a cron job and push it to your GitHub (or any other Git provider).
  • Create a Vercel account from your GitHub (or any other Git provider) and set up an Enterprise subscription to maximize the execution time for serverless functions (Cron jobs).
  • Go to your Vercel account, click on Add New, and select Project. You will then see a list of existing projects on your GitHub.
  • Select the project containing the Cron job and click Import.

Configure Project

  • Set all the environment variables you need in the Environment Variables section and follow the naming conventions below:
    API_ENDPOINT - Endpoint to trigger to retrieve delegates
    GOVERNOR_ID - Governor ID
    ORGANIZATION_ID - Organization ID
    TALLY_API_KEY - API key required to fetch delegates
  • After setting the variables, click Deploy.

Storage Configuration

Creating bucket

  • Create account on
  • Navigate to R2 section in the left sidebar.
  • Verify your email.
  • Return to the R2 section enter your credit card details and confirm the subscription.
  • After the subscription is successfully created click Create bucket
  • Enter your Bucket name course Automatic location and click Create
  • To make the files in the bucket public go to the Settings tab of your bucket.
  • Scroll to the Public access section, and find subdomain then click allow access and follow the steps to allow access.

Creating API Tokens

  • Open R2 section and click Manage R2 API Tokens and then on Create API Token.
  • Give a name for your token
  • Select Object Read & Write Permissions
  • Click Create API Token
  • Save all the information there: Token value, Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, jurisdiction-specific endpoints because you won't be able to see it again

Adding environment variables to Vercel project

  • Open your Vercel project dashboard and go to the Settings tab.

  • Select the Environmental Variables section.

  • Select Environmental Variables and add variables as specified below

    R2_ENDPOINT="default endpoint"
    R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your Access Key ID"
    R2_ACCESS_KEY="Secret Access Key"
    R2_BUCKET_NAME="name of your bucket"
  • Redeploy your app to make new variables visible.

  • Go to the Deployments tab, find your current production deployment, then click on three dots, and then click Redeploy.

  • After the application is deployed go to the Project tab and click on the Screenshot of your app, wait until the execution of the function is finished and a new file should appear in the bucket, this is the file with delegates.

  • Open the file and you will see a URL This is the URL that you can use to access the file on the Front-end.

  • Use this Environment variable to access the file.

    NEXT_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_FETCH_URL="Link to your file with delegates"

Set up CORS Policy

  • Open your R2 bucket, go to the Setting tab, and find CORS Policy.
  • Click Add CORS policy and add all the URLs that will be able to fetch the via link.
            "AllowedOrigins": [
            "AllowedMethods": [
  • Save changes and you should be able to access your files via the URL link.

Error Handling

  • To prevent a 429 error, increase the limits for your API token.

Local development

  • Install CLI globally

    npm i -g vercel
  • vercel login

    vercel login
  • To run the project locally run:

    vercel dev 
  • After running the command above you will be asked to

     Set up and develop path\to\your\file? [Y/n] 

    Type y and follow the steps in the console to find and link your project to an instance on Vercel.

    After the project is linked to Vercel running the command vercel dev will be enough to start local development.

  • To redeploy function push changes to the main branch of your project

Proofs Uploader

Handler setup

  • After the app is deployed add one more environmental variable and Create a secret key to use as a header to upload the proofs to CDN.
      PROOFS_LOAD_KEY=<Secret key>
  • After the variable is added redeploy your app to make new variables visible.
  • Go to the Deployments tab, find your current production deployment, then click on three dots, and then click Redeploy.

Proofs Uploading process

  • Open your project on Vercel and take your app domain to use it as a basic URL for endpoint to upload your proofs to CDN
  • Make a post call to the endpoint <YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/proofs, add header proofs_load_key with the Secret key you set in your Environmental Variables, inside your body pass an uuid param, that is uuid of your campaign.
  • After the call is executed a new file should appear in the bucket proofs-data.json
  • Open the file and you will see a URL This is the URL that you can use to access the file on the Front-end.
  • Use this Environment variable to access the file. NEXT_PUBLIC_PROOFS_FETCH_URL="Link to your file with proofs"