- David Keiser-Clark ([email protected]), Office for Information Technology, Williams College
This is a collection of LTI applications that we built, maintain and use within our Instructure Canvas learning management system (LMS).
- Signup Sheets - view screenshot: This tool lets any user create a sheet with openings at specific times, and then allows other users to sign up for those openings. This is analogous to a list of times and dates on a piece of paper that is passed around or posted on a door and on which people would put their name - e.g. signing up for a particular lab slot, scheduling office hours, picking a study group time, or more general things like planning a party.
- Course Email - view screenshot: Easily email course participants using your preferred email client.
- Generic Kaltura Embed: a reverse hack that enables linking to LMS based videos from websites without making the videos public to the world.
- Sample Rating: A demo sample LTI app that uses a database to create, update, delete information shared within the resultant iframe used by the LTI app.
- PHP LTI Tool Provider class - documentation
- PHP Docs for LTI Tool Provider classes - full documentation
- PHP LTI Tool Provider schema - PDF
- Edu App Center
- Canvas Instructure API documentation and examples
- Canvas Instructure API LTI XML
- Official IMS LTI Developer Specifications
- More great LTI examples
- IMS Learning Tools Interoperability: A Briefing Paper by Stephen P Vickers - PDF
- IMS LMS LTI Launch Emulator
- A Primer on the IMS Learning Tool Interoperability Standard 1.1
- IMS Learning Tools Interoperability Overview 1.1 - Vimeo
- Convert JSON to CSV - useful for working with PHP Curl commands
- Copyright (c) 2014 David Keiser-Clark
- Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- Free as in Bacon.