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GrowthEstimation: R code for various estimation methods of von Bertalanffy growth parameters

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GrowthEstimation: R code for various estimation methods of von Bertalanffy growth parameters

These R scripts provide functions for estimating the von Bertalanffy (vB) growth parameters (Linf and K) from mark-recapture data. These allow to replicate the results in the simulation study of Dureuil et al. (2022), including the CapRecapSim R function to simulate mark-recapture data under various scenarios.


Files contained in this repository:

  • GrowthEstimation_Main.r: the main R script to run, loading all required libraries, compiling the Template Model Builder (TMB) C++ templates, simulating data and estimating the vB growth parameters according to various methods as in Dureuil et al. (2022);
  • GrowthEstimation_Methods.r: an R script to source to create functions corresponding to all the estimation methods under study;
  • GrowthEstimation_CapRecapSim.r: an R script to source to create the CapRecapSim function which simulates mark-recapture data according to various scenarios;
  • FabensBayesian.cpp, FrancisBayesian.cpp: C++ scripts to compile with the R package TMB, see the Main script;
  • a directory called UserGuide which contains a detailed step-by-step guide (mainly for Windows) in pdf, along with an R script and a csv file serving as an illusrating example;
  • this README file.

Version History

This is GrowthEstimation version 0.4.5. Changelog since last version:

  • GrowthPriors: corrected mistake in computing sd on log scale for lognormal priors.

Changelog v0.4.4:

  • Bfa65, Bfr88, and Bfr88.minIC: added MCMC options adapt_delta and max_treedepth (passed on to tmbstan) to the user level as part of the mcmc.control list.
  • Bfr88.minIC: added varfunc argument to select subset of variance functions to try, including varfunc="all" to test all eight of them.
  • Adapted GrowthPriors for computation of Linf lognormal prior hyperparameters from supplied Lmax. New mandatory argument is lnorm.coef, a vector of length 2 with default c(1.2, 3), that defines narrow and wide lognormal priors. The lognormal mean parameter on the log scale is computed from the median (meanlog = log(median)), the latter set as Lmax/0.99 (the value for Linf reported so far). The lognormal sd parameter (also on log scale) is such that the 0.99 quantile matches a given value, this being lnorm.coef[1]*median for the narrow case and lnorm.coef[2]*median for the wide case. The lognormal mean and sd on the original (exponential) scale are then computed from the parameters on the log scale. Additional outputs thus are:
    • lnorm.meanLinf.narrow: narrow lognormal distribution mean (original scale)
    • lnorm.sdLinf.narrow: narrow lognormal distribution sd (original scale)
    • lnorm.meanLinf.wide: wide lognormal distribution mean (original scale)
    • lnorm.sdLinf.wide: wide lognormal distribution sd (original scale)
  • Removed all statistical tests (LRT and BF) stuff, since not pertaining to Dureuil et al. (2022) paper. Thus deleted the following files:
    • GrowthEstimation_Tests.r
    • FabensTwoPop.cpp
    • FabensTwoPopBayesian_M0.cpp
    • FabensTwoPopBayesian_M1.cpp
  • Removed methods that are not used in Dureuil et al. (2022) paper in the end, i.e. la02, Bla02, zh09, and oldfr88. Thus deleted the following files:
    • Laslett.cpp
    • Zhang.cpp

Changelog v0.4.3:

  • LRT_2pop_fa65:
    • now user supplies deltaT (=Trecap-Tcap) rather than the two separate (absolute) times as separate vector. FabensTwoPop.cpp modified too.
    • default values in case par not supplied changed from (0,0) to (1,0.5) and issuing a warning now.
  • In GrowthEstimation_Tests.r, created BF_2pop_Bfa65: Bayesian analogue of LRT_2pop_fa65, it computes the (Laplace-approximated) Bayes factor between two competing models M1 and M0, where M0 sets the same Linf and K values between the two populations we compare (allowing different error sd parameters though) and M1 allows Linf and K to be different (with possibly different priors too).
  • Adapted lines at the bottom of GrowthEstimation_Main.r to account for changes in LRT_2pop_fa65 and new function BF_2pop_Bfa65.

Changelog v0.4.2:

  • Bfa65 and Bfr88: added DIC (both p_D and p_V versions) and WAIC as output.
  • new wrapper function Bfr88.minIC: fits multiple Bfr88 models with same priors but different variance functions, and returns the best model in terms of min WAIC (if enablepriorsd=TRUE, all priors for Linf, K and sigma are specified, and onlyTMB=FALSE) or min AIC (if not all three conditions are met) along with character string specifying which sub-model it is (output $best.model).

Changelog v0.4.1:

  • added new function Bfr88, our (Bayesian) take on Francis (1988).

Changelog v0.4:

  • Francis (1988) estimation method fr88:
    • completely re-coded, now follows closely orginal specification in Francis (1988), notably the optional estimation of nu, m, and p
    • old fr88 function renamed oldfr88 for comparison, will likely be deprecated in future versions
    • new fr88 requires three new arguments, par.m, and par.p which are user-supplied initial values; if left NULL (default), then corresponding "component" disabled
    • new output AIC for model selection
    • new wrapper function fr88.minAIC: fits multiple fr88 models with increasing complexity (adding one param at a time among nu, m, and p) and returns the best model in terms of min AIC along with character string specifying which sub-model it is (output $best.model)

Changelog v0.3.2:

  • Francis (1988) estimation method fr88:
    • estimation of nu param now on log scale
    • added my own initial values for g.alpha and g.beta, as good as multiple subsets yet faster than ini from fishmethods::grotag
    • many variance functions specification available through new sdfunc argument (with possible values "const", "prop.L2", "prop.dL", and "prop.dT").

Changelog v0.3.1:

  • Bfa65: point estimate from MCMC is now posterior median (posterior dist of both Linf and K can be very skewed if small sample size, and very similar to posterior mean/mode if large sample) and point estimate of spread is now median absolute deviation about the median (MADAM, numerically most stable in small samples)
  • all Bayesian estimation methods (zh09, Bfa65, and Bla02): default MCMC options are now 'nchains'=5, 'iter'=20000, and 'warmup'=10000.
  • CapRecapSim: default values set now for low growth variability level (sd.Linf=0.017) and short times at liberty (scale.deltaT=3.5).

Changelog v0.3:

  • for all Bayesian estimation methods (zh09, Bfa65, and Bla02): now rely on tmbstan
  • for all estimation methods: now supply deltaT directly rather than T1 and T2 (they were never used individually anyway).
  • CapRecapSim:
    • changed default value of sd.L from 0.3 to 0.2, better if simulated lengths at capture are slightly more concentrated
    • deleted output Tcap and Trecap, no use considering dates if true ages are expressed wrt birth = 0.
    • new mandatory argument Lbirth, so that we do not use Pauly (1979) equation for T0 anymore but rather use von Bertalanffy at birth to infer T0 from supplied Linf and K
    • use Lmax=0.99*Linf as in GrowthPriors
    • deleted warnings about ages at recapture exceeding 3/K, not useful since we use a max age based on vB at Lmax=0.99*Linf.
  • GrowthPriors: drop Froese and Binohlan's (2000) relation between Lmax and Linf, very close to linear anyway, use now Linf=Lmax/0.99.
  • Francis (1988) estimation method fr88: added try.many.ini boolean argument, if TRUE then try many starting values (based on data subsets as in fishmethods::grotag) in addition to the supplied one (optim highly sensitive to ini).

Changelog v0.2.2:

  • Created GrowthEstimation_Tests.r where a likelihood ratio test (LRT) is implemented in the enw function LRT_2pop_fa65 to compare two populations in terms of (Linf,K) jointly, according to Fabens (1965) formulation. Added code at the end of GrowthEstimation_Main.r shows the usage on some simulated data.
  • In Bfa65: now allow for different families for priors on Linf, K, and sigma.
  • In Bfa65: for priordist="lognormal", user now provides mean and sd on original (exponential) scale, easier for interpretation.


Dureuil, M., Aeberhard, W. H., Dowd, M., Pardo, S. A., Whoriskey, F. G., and Worm, B. (2022) Reliable growth estimation from mark–recapture tagging data in elasmobranchs. Accepted in Fisheries Research


GrowthEstimation: R code for various estimation methods of von Bertalanffy growth parameters






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