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Minimum Requirements for our Components

Julian Müller edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

Here's a rough idea of what your component should be able to do before you merge it into the develop branch:

  • As many parameters as possible should be configurable when including the component into an HTML page without having to change the code. For every component these are properties like the width and height of the plot as well as potential axis labels. Beyond that, it depends on the kind of component. For example, if a plot includes lines, stuff that a user might want to configure are the width and height of each line as well as the dasharray. Here's an example of a component with configurable width and height:
  • If applicable, each plot should have a legend
  • The plot should be downloadable (see here)
  • If applicable, add tooltips
  • Each component must be unit-tested.
  • Each component must include a demo in our repositories' Storybook (stories folder).
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