- PHP >= 7.4
- Mediawiki 1.35
- Mediawiki extensions
- SemanticMediawiki >= 3
- SemanticResultFormats >=3
- Gadgets (bundled)
- Mediawiki skins
- Chameleon >= 3.4
in your $PATHgit
in your $PATH
Change to the base directory of your MediaWiki installation.
Download extensions useful for the left sidebar content creation, they will be installed later:
git clone https://gitlab.com/organicdesign/TreeAndMenu.git extensions/TreeAndMenu
If you do not have a "composer.local.json" file yet, create one and add the following content to it:
"require": {
"mediawiki/semantic-result-formats": "~3.1"
If you already have a "composer.local.json" file add the following line to the end of the "require" section in your file:
"mediawiki/semantic-result-formats": "~3.1"
Remember to add a comma to the end of the preceding line in this section.
Run one of the following commands in your shell depending on the way you implemented the composer
php composer update --no-dev
Make sure that Gadgets extension is in the extensions
directory. It should be bundled with MediaWiki.
Create a local copy of this repo in the right place:
git clone https://github.com/wikivisor/codermerlinwiki extensions/wikivisor
Add this line at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php
require_once( "$IP/extensions/wikivisor/LocalSettings.php" );
Some notes may be found in the added LocalSettings.php file.
- Import files in import directory in the following order:
php maintenance/importDump.php < extensions/wikivisor/import/TemplateMediawikiWidgetPropertyNS-20211214232549.xml
php maintenance/importDump.php < extensions/wikivisor/import/Templates-20211221221345.xml
php maintenance/importDump.php < extensions/wikivisor/import/TemplateExamplesDescriptions-20211227171148.xml
php maintenance/importDump.php < extensions/wikivisor/import/WelcomeToCodeMerlin.xml
php maintenance/importDump.php < extensions/wikivisor/import/MultipageNavigation.xml
The first one is mandatory. The second contains the proposed mainpage layout (optional). The last one contains data structure and workflow for the multipage navigation. Shell and Number systems multipage experiences included. (optional). See the description of imported pages for details.
Import images used in templates:
php maintenance/importImages.php extensions/wikivisor/images/ png
At this point everything should be in place, use Ctrl+F5
and/or Ctrl+Shift+r
to purge the page cache and to enjoy your new wiki layout.
This is a description of the Coder+Merlin-20211202151301.xml contents.
- MediaWiki:Chameleon.css contains provisional style changes.
- MediaWiki:Chameleon.js contains some jquery for the layout elements.
- MediaWiki:Footer-icons contains a menu for the footer links (facebook, twitter, etc.)
- MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition contains gadgets definitions obviously.
- Gadget "Back-to-top" implements a button to scroll up. It contains:
- MediaWiki:Gadget-Back-to-top.css
- MediaWiki:Gadget-Back-to-top.js
- MediaWiki:Gadget-Back-to-top
- Gadget "Dark theme" is a stub for easy dark theme creation using color inversion method. It is to be adjusted after the color scheme implementation. You can test it by marking this gadget in user preferences (
). The gadget includes:- MediaWiki:Gadget-Dark-theme.css
- MediaWiki:Gadget-Dark-theme
- Gadget "Back-to-top" implements a button to scroll up. It contains:
- MediaWiki:Hf-nsfooter- is a version of your file without footer icons and the
Designed with love in Silicon Valley
message which went to the footer. - MediaWiki:Hf-nsheader- contains the content for the left sidebar.
- MediaWiki:Newsletter-label contains the text for the newsletter subscription link.
- MediaWiki:Newsletter-url contains the URL for the newsletter subscription link.
- MediaWiki:Secondary-menu replaces standard navigation content.
- MediaWiki:Sidebar is an empty version of the navigation content which is now controlled via
. - Template:Card provides a code and guidance for easy cards creation.
- Template:Sitenotice provides a code and guidance for easy banners creation.
- Template:Bquote provides styled quotes / citations divs.
The following existing templates and widgets contain design elements re-touched / adapted for use with the Bootstrap and the design under development:
- Template:BestPractice
- Template:CM
- Template:CommandPlaceholder
- Template:Command
- Template:Caution
- Template:ConsoleLines
- Template:ConsoleLine
- Template:Excursion
- Template:Exercises
- Template:GoingDeeper
- Template:Hint
- Template:Key
- Template:KeyConcepts
- Template:KeySequence
- Template:MerlinBlurbs
- Template:MerlinQuotes
- Template:MerlinRecommends
- Template:MerlinVideoPlayer
- Template:Observe
- Template:Question
- Template:SpecialKey
- Template:VerySpecialKey
- Widget:MerlinVideoPlayer
Templates are work in progress.
At this stage, only the layout and a couple of templates for inline elements are implemented, we expect the following to be delivered soon and included into this repo:
- Complete Dark theme
- Provide styling guidance