- RSS Feed to update stuff?
- Wtf even is an RSS feed lmao
- Maybe just use websockets like normal people
- Investments:
- Buy/Sell stocks (Done)
- Dynamic prices
- Bets:
- Activity
- Person bet on
- Idk probably just a return-on-investment value
- Dynamic returns?
- Admin:
- See activities (Maybe just bets)
- Mark activity as completed by player
- Users:
- PIN-code for logging in
- Dashboard:
- Live feed of player activities
- Graph of price history for each player
All available activities for players to bet on. Eg. "I bet X will chug a beer within the next 5 minutes"
- ROI: Return on investment. How many times the original investment should a player earn if they win the bet.
- Time: Time before the activity must be marked as completed for the player to win the bet.
A list of all the players in the game. start_cash defines the amount of money a player should have at the beginning of the game. admins contains the names of players with admin privileges
Change properties for stock trading functionality
- unitPriceRatio: How much should a single stock cost, multiplied by the players money
Install flask From root folder:
flask --app src/main --debug run