#eclipse-to-maven eclipse-to-maven mavenises the existing Eclipse based workspace.
- Converts .classpath files into pom.xml
- If required, prints the depdency graph of eclipse projects.
- Moves source folders according to Maven convention. So for instance Java sources go to src/main/java folder.
- Removes spaces in the names of the folders. So "Calculator Component" becomes "CalculatorComponent"
- Right now Mavenisation is limited to generating dependencies in the pom. However this is a good first step in moving forward. With small changes you should be able to run the build for your projects.
#Getting Started
- As eclipse-to-maven uses java.nio features of JDK-7, you need to have it or download it from either [openjdk] (http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/) or from [Oracle JDK location] (http://jdk7.java.net/)
- Declare an environment variable called JAVA_HOME_7 which points to the JDK-7 home directory.
- Create the build of eclipse-to-maven using Maven "mvn clean install"
- Copy existing workspace into a separate directory.
Please follow following src/main/java/resources/application.properties
setup before running the application
For converting existing eclipse workspace to maven, set 'convert.to.maven' property as 'true'. This switch is useful if you just want to print the dependency tree (read-only operation) for instance.
For removing spaces in folder names, use following switch:
For printing the dependency tree of eclipse projects set following properties
print.dependency.graph.filepath=<file path>
For internal dependencies groupId and project groupId , you may want to setup default as follows:
##Running eclipse-to-maven from Eclipse
- Import eclipse-to-maven in any eclipse workspace.
- Right click EclipseToMaven --> Run As --> Run Configurations -->
- Pass the Eclipse workspace location with application Arguments as follows:
- Run the application
##Running eclipse-to-maven from Command Prompt Make sure JAVA_HOME is pointing to JDK-7.
Run the following from command prompt:
$ mvn clean install exec:java -Dexec.args="<eclipse workspace path>"
#Blog posts on eclipse-to-maven